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Design And Implementation Of DBL-based Popularization Activities On Robot For Teenagers

Posted on:2018-05-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J M YangFull Text:PDF
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With the development of society and change,the robot is no longer a distant noun,but people living in the production of a good helper and good friends.According to the background of the current social life of the robot,the requirements of the cultivation of innovative ability in education,and the demand of modern society for the scientific and technological literacy of young people,this paper puts forward the significance of youth robot education.However,there are many problems in the present situation of the youth robot education,such as the lack of social identity,the imperfect teaching system,the entertainment of teaching equipment,the lack of students' ability training and so on.Based on the theoretical research of design based learning(DBL),this paper develops and implements a series of popular science activities.Chapter one:introduction.The background,purpose and significance of this study are analyzed,the related concepts are defined,and the research content,research ideas and research methods are described.The second chapter,theoretical basis.Based on the literature review,this paper reviews the current situation of the domestic and foreign teenagers' robot education,summarizes the existing problems,and introduces the theory and model of DBL.The third chapter is about the design of the popularization activities of the teenagers' robot education based on DBL.According to the DBL model,this paper analyzes the combination and feasibility of and DBL,and designs three design activities based on DBL model.The fourth chapter,based on the implementation of DBL popularization activities.Under the guidance of activity design,five popularization activities are carried out in the Science and Technology Museum,and the DBL model is modified and adjusted according to the activities.The fifth chapter,summary and prospect.On the basis of the theoretical basis and the implementation of the activities of the design,summed up the advantages and disadvantages of DBL theory and model,for the DBL based on the popularization activities of teenagers to think about and suggestions for the follow-up activities to provide reference.
Keywords/Search Tags:Design Based Learning(DBL), Robot Education, Popularization Activities
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