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Enterprise Financial Analysis Under The Framework Of Harvard Analysis

Posted on:2018-06-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y M ChangFull Text:PDF
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With the socioeconomic development,people's living standards began to climb,the pace of life accelerated,more and more atte ntion to ef ficiency,cars in people' s life become irreplaceable household merchandise,has a pivotal position.After the founding of New China,the country has given str ong support to the auto motive industry,the earliest largest automobile factory in Changchun YQ Group as a leader opened the rapid development of China' s automotive industry.Although China' s automobile industry started late,due to the huge sales m arket and demand,the rapid development of the automotive industry,with m ore and m ore foreign brands influx,domestic cars have been a tremendous im pact.Whether in the capital structure,technological innovation,internal management,strategic direction,or future developm ent planning,foreign brands to domestic automotive brands have the impact of not negligible,which deserves our consideration.This paper takes a repr esentative YQ sedan as an exam ple,and carries out financial analysis from a strategic perspect ive under the theory of the Harvard analytic Framework.The Harvard Analytic Framework combines the business strategy of the ente rprise,the accounting system of the enterp rise,the f inancial statements of the enterprise and the future prospects,and carries on the comprehensive analysis to the com pany.In th e strategic analysis,using pest an alysis,industry five-force model,SWOT analysis model to YQ sedan in the m acroscopic environment and industrial environment,YQ sedan at pres ent in the overall environm ent to see the opportunity is greater than the threat.In the accounting analysis,firstly,the accuracy of accounting policy is analyzed,and the appr opriateness of accounting estimation is analyzed,and the accounting policy and accounting estimate of the YQ sedan are m et with the requirements of the relev ant industry by analyzing the accountant' s quality of accounting information.The final link is financia l analysis,in financial analysis of the financial statements in the data and financ ial ratios of the analysis,and the industry standards and excellent peer en terprises compared to more in-depth understanding of the financial situation of the YQ sedan.The financial data analysis uses the main financial data,such as shareholder equity,net profit,net cash flow,etc.analysis YQ sedan's financial position and operating perf ormance.The f inancial Ratio ana lysis utilizes the main financial ratios,such as mobile ratio,inventory turnover,net sales rate and net asset growth rate of enterprises in debt servicing,operation,profitability,growth,the ability to analyze the short-term solvency of YQ sedan,inventory turnover has some problems,low profitability,growth is not high.Finally,according to the above-mentioned Strategic analysis,accountin g analysis,financial analysis of the integration of three aspects,combining market quotes,national policy and the status quo of YQ sedan,the prospects of the YQ se dan,the YQ sedan can fully grasp the opportunity,pioneering and innovative,adjustin g the business policy,the prospects are considerable.Under the Harvard An alytic Framework,the combination of quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis methods,financial activities and business activities,now combined with th e future,the combination of strategy and developm ent,the financial situation of the YQ sedan system comprehensive points,analysis and based on the results of the corresponding suggestions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Harvard analytical framework analysis, Accountinganalysis, Financial analysis, YQ cars
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