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The Researchof Rural Highway Construction Management: A Case Studyin County D

Posted on:2017-10-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330536458796Subject:Project management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Rural highway is one of the im portant infrastructures that ensure rural econom ic development,the basic conditions of solvin g issues of agricultu re,countryside and farmers,and the key of raising mass peasants' living standards.Functionally,if national trunk highway is the aorta of the transportation network,then the rural highway belongs to capillary.The construction of rural highway and the im provement of traf fic conditions in rural areas are conducive to farmers' income growth,the change of the consumption structure in countryside,the ad justment of the industrial structure in countryside and the acceleration of the urba n-rural integration pr ocess and so on.It plays a politically and econom ically significant role in ensuring the coordinated development of the whole highway networ k,promoting the economic development of the county and even the whole society,and maintaining social stability.This paper studies with the example of the rural highway construction in D county.Owing to the f act that rural highway construction is a multilev el and multi-sector systems engineering,based upon the research on relevant basic theories and the peculiarities of rural highways and by studying the relationship between every stakeholder in the construction project and the im plementation of legal person responsibility system of the project in th emanagement of rural highway construction,this paper makes clear the background of rural highway construction in D county and comes to a conclusion that county' s Road Transport Bureau is the m ain body of management integrating competent departments and the construc tion units.According to the ch aracteristics of rural highway construction,the life cycle of construction is divided into three stages: decision-making,implementation and use.This study takes construction unit as the starting point and analyzessources and management of funds,bidding process,quality of construction phase process target control,as well as the maintenance management.It objectively refl ects the real s ituation of rural highw ay construction managementand shows the problem s occur in each key phase,such as failure of the responsib ility system of project legal person s,shortage of construction funds,errors in management theories,lag in management methods,etc.By classifying and analyzing the reasons of current problem s,this paper gives suggestions and counterm easures from two aspects including construction units and county-level government.With respect to cons truction units,it is necessary to alter management ideas and apply advanced management tools so as to improve management efficiency.In regard to county-level gove rnment,it counts m uch to im prove the management joint ef forts of every depa rtment by creating a fine construction environment,and explore the m anagement pattern that the government cooperates with social capital in order to im prove general construction and m anagement level w hen simultaneously tackling capital shortage problems.
Keywords/Search Tags:rural highway, construction management, cause analysis, research on
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