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Impact Of Enterprise Information Management Enterprise Culture Construction And Countermeasures

Posted on:2018-12-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330515957220Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Enterprise information management impact on corporate culture construction and countermeasures in the 21 th century,mankind has entered the information age,the normal operations of enterprises,such as management,production and marketing are changing as the information economy.Backward companies want to pull into the gap between themselves and the world's advanced level of enterprise information is a practical shortcut.Because recognizes the importance of enterprise information,the Chinese government has formulated a series of principles,think of ways to "information technology to stimulate industrialization." Moreover,in the process of development of economic globalization,the domestic enterprises and foreign enterprises will increasingly fierce competition.Compared with foreign competitors,our business not only in hardware,such as capital,technology,product quality and other aspects of disadvantage,that is in terms of software,such as ideas,culture,management and many other aspects are also great differences.On this basis,many domestic enterprises have to change ideas,to develop enterprise information management,to create and develop their own culture,hoping to improve their overall strength.Therefore,the corporate culture and information management and impact of this relationship between the two were discussed,can guide the development and reform of domestic enterprises to some extent.In this paper,the research methods,the use of double-entry combine theory and case is about the combination of direct and indirect research study combined.First,the meaning and essence of the corporate culture of information management were analyzed and summarized the current domestic enterprise culture construction,summarizes the status of information management;then analyze enterprise information management in their own cultural construction the role,which pointed out that the impact on the corporate culture of information management recommendations;then case to prove the correctness of the argument;Finally,studies based on the results obtained for the building of enterprise culture,and information management to put forward practical scheme.Finally,the paper proves that the proposed business culture,including many aspects of cultural networks,team building,core values,customer relationships are affected,such as information management,is also facing very serious challenges.The purpose of this paper is to find a reference to facilitate corporate culture change.
Keywords/Search Tags:Enterprise information, Information management, Enterprise culture construction, Influence, Countermeasures
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