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The Research On Financial Risk Management Of CNOOC's Acquisition Of Nixon

Posted on:2017-04-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Y ChenFull Text:PDF
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With the deepening of China's reform and opening-up policy,China's enterprise strength has also been gradually improve,enterprises are gradually to the taste of the development of foreign countries,gradually into the international big stage,through cross-border mergers and acquisitions,investment management and so on,to find new direction of development.In 2008 the world financial crisis,the world economic situation is grim,to make matters worse,Europe's debt crisis broke out in 2010.At such a point,the various mergers and acquisitions strategy of enterprises are actively looking for the target of mergers and acquisitions,waiting for the right time,set off a wave of China's cross-border mergers and acquisitions".Enterprises of our country are in the thinking and planning activities of transnational merger and acquisition(M&A),but from the outside data statistics show that,even transnational merger and acquisition of a large number of enterprises in our country,but the successful case of cross-border mergers and acquisitions rarely,resulting in the reasons for the failure of the merger and acquisition(M&A)is mainly in the M&a process is assumed to various risks,in many kinds of risk,financial risk of enterprise continuous operation and mergers and acquisitions(M&A)the greatest impact and risk of M&A in a variety of other types of will through the financial risk are reflected,so in transnational merger and acquisition,financial risk management for M&A activities critical to the success.However,there are many enterprises management,did not find the importance of financial risk of enterprise management,often ignore them,there are many enterprises although attention has been paid to the existence of the financial risk,but for the contents of financial risk is not well understood,is also not fully deepening the understanding,often ignore many important matters,so the research of financial risk is important and urgent.However,there are many enterprises management,did not find the importance of financial risk of enterprise management,often ignore them,there are many enterprises although attention has been paid to the existence of the financial risk,but for the contents of financial risk is not well understood,is also not fully deepening the understanding,often ignore many important matters.Therefore,this study is very important and urgent.In paper,the CNOOC acquisition of Nickerson's case,this case is our country to the current individual M&A transaction price of the highest overseas M&A activities.This paper will combine the status of current our country enterprise transnational merger and acquisition,describes in details the management process may be encountered in the identification and control of financial risk,and CNOOC mergers and acquisitions Nixon event as an example,the merger of financial risk management problems,analysis of the reasons for the problems caused by the,summarizes the problems existing in the risk management,problem prevention recommendations are proposed at the end of this paper,I hope to improve the success rate of transnational merger and acquisition activity,reduce the loss.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cross border mergers and acquisitions, Financial risk, Risk management
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