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Research On Employment Security System To Promote Entrepreneurship In Heilongjiang Province

Posted on:2018-12-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H H LuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330515456681Subject:Social security
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Improving the promotional echanism of the rural "double gen",support migrant workers return home entrepreneurship,to encourage university graduates and veterans,science and technology personnel back to rural,is further emphasize contents of the government work report.Perfect the employment policy,strengthen job training,strengthen support for flexible employment,new employment form.Employment is one of the biggest livelihood of the people,the income comes from jobs,it is a good life to have income,compared with the college students' employment,enterprise of recruitment,retention,also prominent,how to solve the contradiction between supply and demand,more to solve the current employment priority.Strengthen the vocational education,such as directional education mode,to some extent can ease the contradiction between supply and demand.The employment situation is still severe in heilongjiang province,the total pressure is bigger,the structural contradictions,huge potential human resources into human capital,stimulating employment,entrepreneurship is to create jobs,increase the number of jobs.Employment security system research helps to carry out laborer autonomous employment,market adjusting employment,the policy of the government to promote employment and entrepreneurship;Help to implement the strategy of employment priority and a more active employment policy,implement the "double gen" to promote economic development of heilongjiang province.Based on human capital theory and the theory of employment,from the perspective of the entrepreneur personal skills and external environmental impact,and establish evaluation index,and then found the entrepreneurial environment in heilongjiang province.At present,the problems of employment security system in heilongjiang province mainly include as fallows:the entrepreneurial innovation concept has not yet deeply rooted in the hearts of the people,the training system of entrepreneurship education is not perfect;Creative.and bold entrepreneurial ability is insuffcient;Entrepreneurship,the development of financing model,financial fund of supporting dynamics is insufficient;Unbalanced development,the social security system and employment leads to unemployment insurance compensation can not play a role of the guarantee of jobs,good environment to encourage innovation of entrepreneurship has not been formed.By drawing from French business measures to boost employment and support system for small and medium-sized enterprises,the German "double-track" apprentice education system and the system of employment fund-raising way,from the education training,venture capital raising,the respect such as unemployment insurance system to establish perfect employment support system,incentive system and corresponding supporting measures,including expanding employment support coverage,pay attention to the"double type" talented person education and training and diversification of venture financing incentive system and bring unemployed insurance gold to start again obtain employment support,etc.,thus forming a good business promote entrepreneurial activity,realize to expand employment.
Keywords/Search Tags:entrepreneurship, job enlargement, security system
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