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An Analysis Of The Influencing Factors Of The Integration Of "Internet +Cooperatives"

Posted on:2018-05-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X ShiFull Text:PDF
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In the process of modern agricultural development,cooperatives have become an indispensable new business entity.Its active role is to improve the degree of farmers'organization effectively,increase farmers' income,and speed up the process of agricultural scale,standardization,industrialization and modernization,which plays an irreplaceable role in rural construction and the realization of modern agricultural.However,at present,the overall level of the development of farmer cooperatives in our country is still low,and there are obvious deficiencies in the cooperative talents,science and technology,capital and management.From the perspective of agricultural industry chain analysis,at present,the key to influence and restrict the growth of farmer cooperatives is the problem of agricultural supply and the circulation of agricultural products after prenatal production,and the quality of means of agricultural production directly affects the quality of agricultural products.Agricultural production and circulation restricts the market sales and thus affect the income of farmers and cooperative organizations.As a new type of economic mode of production,"Internet + cooperatives"integration development,can effectively use large data,Internet of things and other means of modern information technology and provides scientific and advanced management technology and facilities for the production and operation of farmer's cooperatives.The more important thing is that the large data which is provided by Internet technology can predict the timely price of bulk agricultural products,avoid market risks,promote the development of agricultural products,improve the market's predictability,achieve the desired effect of stabilizing of the agricultural market.Therefore,promoting the integration of "Internet + Cooperatives",using Internet technology and business model,can reduce the cooperative market operating costs effectively,make marketing channels for agricultural products smooth,so as to increase the basic objectives of cooperative organizations and farmers income.the higher degree of "Internet + cooperatives" integration,the more conducive to expanding the agricultural industry chain,the higher the added value of agriculture,farmer production and operating income also increased.At present,the "Internet + Cooperatives" integration is mainly reflected in the development of the online sales of the electricity business model,that is,compared with the use of advanced networking technology,intelligent agricultural model and Internet knowledge fully integrated agricultural industry-wide industrial chain model compared to the application Internet development of agricultural products to carry out the development of electricity business model is more common.In recent years,with the popularization of Internet technology,more and more farmers cooperatives have realized the importance of "Internet +,and the importance of using Internet technology to develop the production and operation of agricultural products.Many cooperatives build "Internet + "Marketing model actively,Take advantage of the Internet technology for agricultural products marketing both on and off the line,some formal and large farmers cooperatives also build their own brand of agricultural products to make sure the quality and credibility,promote agricultural sales through the quality of famous,special,excellent,new,improve Farmers 'cooperatives and farmers' income effectively,these beneficial practices provide a good foundation and conditions for further study of the integration of "Internet + Cooperatives1".On the aspect of theory,some scholars have conducted qualitative analysis on the marketing model and main influencing factors of cooperatives,although some scholars have explored the connotation of cooperatives and Internet integration,the advantages of cooperatives and the countermeasures to promote the integration.Factor influencing the lack of in-depth and quantitative research.Hence,this paper will be based on the basic theoretical analysis and typical case analysis,focusing on"Internet + Cooperatives",and the mathematical model is used to analyze the factors influencing the integration of "Internet + Cooperatives",and the influence degree of each factor on the development of fusion is determined.Finally,on the basis of theoretical and empirical analysis,raise some suggestions on the Development of"Internet + Cooperatives".
Keywords/Search Tags:"Internet + Cooperatives", integration development, influencing factors
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