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Hainan Rural Tourism Brand Marketing Research

Posted on:2017-09-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y P XieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330512969075Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Rural tourism as a continuous city and rural ties, in solving the "three rural" problem, to speed up the realization of the socialist new rural construction and urban and rural development process has played an important role in promoting. In recent years, rural tourism in Hainan has made considerable progress, meet the needs of the market, but the rural tourism have become more competitive, leading to brand influence is weak and the low degree of market acceptance, the lack of brand awareness and brand marketing concept, theme development and lack of lack of clear image of rural tourism, rural tourism marketing network construction is lagging behind, and the network the information is not comprehensive enough, slow update speed problem, has seriously affected the development of rural tourism. Coupled with China is a developing country, the development of rural tourism is still in its initial stage, the economic benefits of rural tourism and marketing has become the focus of interest of experts and scholars. Therefore, the development of rural tourism, which is directly related to economic interests, has become a hot research topic.This article uses the method of literature review to define the concept of brand marketing and theory. Then through the Hainan rural tourism brand marketing present situation, combined with the specific case, the Hainan rural tourism brand marketing situation analysis. Then use the SWOT analysis of Hainan rural tourism brand marketing environment, Hainan rural tourism brand marketing, has a good natural environment, abundant Li Miao style, convenient location advantage, industry advantage and other advantages, facing the market prospects, good macro policy support, the support of local government, tourism based on extensive external opportunities, but also has the rural tourism development planning backward, weak infrastructure, rural tourism, rural tourism products single rural tourism brand construction is slow, rural tourism talents lack disadvantage conditions, while also facing the rest of the competition, the tourism market order, the tourism market is not stable, product innovation and external challenges competition. Finally, from the brand positioning and target market selection, product design, marketing and communication means, brand management, basic protection and other aspects of the Hainan rural tourism brand marketing strategy. Hainan rural tourism brand marketing in brand positioning should be set up in rural tourism, rural leisure, rural vacation system for rural tourism products diversification development, aimed at the inland tourist market, give priority to enhance the tropical island tourism tourism products, constantly enrich the local folk leisure tourism products, leisure theme types to cultivate tourism products. Through the festival activities, advertising, public relations activities, network marketing and other channels for brand promotion. Through the brand building support system, brand monitoring, brand crisis management, strengthen the management of rural tourism brand. At the same time, through scientific planning, improve infrastructure, pay attention to the role of talent, do a good job in Hainan rural tourism brand marketing foundation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Band markting, Rural tourism, Hainan
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