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The Study On Anhui Agricultural Network Marketing Model

Posted on:2017-05-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X ZhengFull Text:PDF
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With the rapid development of economic globalization and the information age,promoting the diversification of agricultural products marketing model,at present,most of the rural economy is still slow development,farmers' income is not high and behind the marketing of agricultural products and so on.Plus a large number of agricultural products into the Chinese market,which to supply agricultural products in China has brought great challenges,increasing the intensity of the marketing of agricultural products market.Anhui Province is rich in agricultural resources,agricultural research network marketing can significantly solve the supply and demand of agricultural products in Anhui Province,Anhui Province,to promote the trade of agricultural products,continue to increase the income of farmers,optimization and adjustment of agricultural structure,improve market Anhui Agriculture Competitiveness.This article is in the context of recent years,Anhui Province,Anhui Province in 2015,especially to promote agricultural development in Anhui Province made a series of measures to benefit farmers,the development of agricultural products in Anhui Province has made some achievements,the paper survey analysis,questionnaire method and inductive analysis,features and characteristics of the basic agricultural network of consumer groups to produce network marketing as a starting point,combined with the status quo of agricultural marketing network in Anhui and Anhui agricultural marketing problems by drawing Anhui three squirrels examples of successful network marketing,proposed the implementation of strategies of network marketing agricultural products,to promote the development of Anhui Agricultural marketing,thus promoting the rapid development of Anhui agriculture.research shows:(1)In recent years,Anhui agricultural products is steadily developing,there are a large number of agricultural products won the provincial and national brand certification,a steady increase in the number of electricity providers Anhui Agricultural Trade.(2)Marketing of Agricultural Products in Anhui in Anhui more emphasis on rural informatization construction,agriculture networking applications efficiency of the section,Anhui model began to the country,farmers spontaneous awareness of network marketing is relatively weak.(3)Anhui Agricultural marketing advantages are: Anhui Province focus on the development of agricultural brand strategy,Anhui Agriculture informatization level has improved;Anhui Agricultural marketing disadvantage: the quality of the network infrastructure needs to be improved,Anhui Agricultural the degree of standardization is not high;Anhui agricultural network marketing opportunity: Anhui Province was implemented and the increasing number of Internet users' information Huimin and Anhui broadban project;the threat of Anhui agricultural network marketing: e-business foundation is weak,with industry competition and the deteriorating ecological environment in Anhui Province.(4)Anhui Agricultural NETWORK MARKETING lack of network marketing professionals,brand marketing needs to be improved,relevant laws and regulations are not sound enough,agricultural logistics system and distribution system is imperfect and overlooked online marketing and interactive design stores with customers and other issues.(5)May be cultured by combining in Anhui universities train network marketing professionals,the establishment of agricultural products quality and safety traceability pilot and strengthen quality supervision system,improve the quality of agricultural products in Anhui Province,to create differentiated and characteristics of Anhui Agricultural marketing outlets to form Dabie mountain area of Anhui agricultural and driving effect of network marketing,pay attention to maintain customer relations and logistics system of agricultural construction in Anhui and other measures in Huaibei Plain of Anhui agricultural products to improve the implementation of network marketing.
Keywords/Search Tags:Anhui Province, agricultural products, marketing
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