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Australian Apprenticeship Group Training Organization Research

Posted on:2019-01-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2357330548455533Subject:Vocational and Technical Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The group training organization is a relatively new type of apprentice recruitment and training intermediary organization in Australia.It directly acts as an apprentice's employer and transfers its employed apprentices to SMEs.It is responsible for on-the-job training and off-job training for apprentices.It also provides apprenticeships for SME.This article first sorts out the overall situation of the group training organization,and then from the perspective of the relevant system theory to explore the reasons for its rationalization of operation,and finally based on the predicament of China's current apprenticeship system,from which to seek relevant experience can be used for the development of modern apprenticeship in China Suggest.The first chapter mainly introduces the research origin,literature review,research methods,theoretical basis,and technical route.The second chapter introduces the social background,development and development,effectiveness and contribution of the group training organization,emerging problems and countermeasures;through the group training organization.Combating the history of development and development,the development process is divided into four phases,such as exploring the initial period,rapid development period,stable development period,and reform and optimization period.It is concluded that the group training organization can effectively improve the completion rate of the apprenticeship system and effectively Promote the effectiveness of SMEs' participation in apprenticeships,effectively ensure the quality of apprenticeship training,increase apprenticeships,promote employment,etc.At the same time,it also summarizes the problems and challenges that group training organizations currently face in the downturn of the external economic environment and how to optimize services.Facing the summary of problems,we can draw lessons from successful experience;Chapter 3 introduces the internal structure and operation of the group training group.Its internal management structure can be divided into the board of directors,audit department,financial department,human resources and security department,risk and strategy.Management department,etc.Its group training organizations basic ways of operating and training services group formed in the late model development,funding groups organized training,apprenticeships and other training employment destination.Through the combing of internal structure and operation,the management structure and operation experience and characteristics areobtained.The fourth chapter introduces the external support and guarantees of the group's training organization.It mainly sorts out the supporting policies for the group's training organization over the years,including the "Joint Policy Plan","New Apprentice Specific Plan" and "New Apprentice Incentive Plan".In addition,it concluded that the government has formulated relevant operating standards and certification procedures for regulating its operation,and summed up the role of the government in the development of the group training organization.The fifth chapter further analyzes the reasons behind the rationality of group training organization operation from the external system management and internal operation based on the theory of entrepreneurial government and transaction cost respectively.It is concluded that the reform of apprenticeship management with the priority of efficiency and decentralization of power by the Australian government is a group.The premise of the effectiveness of the training organization is that market-based operation is the key to achieving the effectiveness of the group training organization.The sixth chapter is based on the problems encountered during the interviews with school-enterprise cooperation,combined with the previous successful experience summary and theoretical analysis conclusions.The modern school-enterprise cooperation between Chinese apprentices should consider the long-term cooperation mechanism of the school-enterprise,the training cost of the enterprise,and the reform of modern apprenticeships.Management model,encourage innovative apprentice recruitment and training models.
Keywords/Search Tags:Australia, Group Training Organization, Modern Apprenticeship, Intermediary
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