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Han To Song Dynasty Agate Products Research

Posted on:2017-08-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N DingFull Text:PDF
GTID:2355330512960550Subject:Cultural relics and museums
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Agate refers concentric layered, irregular ribbon, wrapped filamentous crystalline quartz block. Its main ingredient is silica,which gradually place an important role in chinese jade culture. In terms of china and foreign's cultural and substance exchanges between the Han and Song Dynasty, it was a major change period. From the evolution of agate itself, the Han Dynasty to the Song Dynasty people have very different understanding of the agate:the Qin Dynasty, agate often be used as string ornaments with other general jade products, which, one color, especially red agate, in the late Spring and Autumn Warring States 500 years, play an important carrier in the top society's aesthetic pursuit.really appears as a separate breed in our jade article Northern Dynasties to Sui and Tang dynasties, people pay more attention to the natural texture agate, those texture delicated and structure variegated agate ore that including onyx ore, tend to be more vulnerable by people at that time of all ages. West society started earlier to use onyx products,Its craft, Western Europe, North Africa, focusing on layered carving, West Asia, Central Asia, focusing on material natural texture.this concept,which has a direct impact on China, the "Golden Animal Head Agate Cup" is a typical example, and this appreciation habit, is subject by the precious stones' effect of west society, and finally completed the localization process in the Song Dynasty, in this background, People's concept of agate,and aesthetic ideas are re-build.Text is divided into three parts:The first chapter is an introduction. Review the significance meaning of Agate from Han Dynasty to the Song Dynasty, current research and research ideas.The second chapter is the Classification and sorting from Han Dynasty to the Song Dynasty. Relates to burial sites, Buddhist Taki underground palace unearthed agate and the agate products described in our ancient books and literature.By function,all the product are packed into three categories:decorative, container classes, other classes. On this basis, summed up the development context of the Han Dynasty to Song agate.The third chapter is to discuss the Han Song agate-related issues. Discussion onyx products between the Han and Song of the source of the material, includes the "Golden Animal Head Agate Cup" for example, and the impact of changes in the concept of agate between Han and Song.
Keywords/Search Tags:Han Dynasty to the Song Dynasty, agate, onyx, cultural Cultural Exchange
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