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Zhang Shiying's Research On Aesthetics

Posted on:2017-09-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Y YangFull Text:PDF
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It is well known that Zhang Shiying's academic thought affected by the Cultural Revolution, is roughly divided into two stages: The first stage, starting from the 1950 s to the mid 1960 s, mainly focuses on the history of western philosophy, especially the philosophy of Hegel. The second stage, starting from the late 1980 s, is mainly devoted to the contemporary Western philosophy and the ancient Chinese philosophy, which are transferred from the Classical Germany philosophy and Hegel's philosophy and focus on carding the development track of ancient and modern Chinese and Western Philosophy and their combination.Zhang Shiying,one of the few Chinese contemporary scholars can be called philosopher,made efforts at the integration of the Chinese ancient philosophy and contemporary western philosophy, and actively sought a new path for the development of contemporary Chinese philosophy.Which formed the new philosophy thought with quite modern consciousness and turned himself into a philosopher from a historian of philosophy. Since the 1990 s,the “Between Heaven And Man-Perplexities and Alternatives of Chinese and Western Philosophy”, “Into the Clearing-The New Orientation of Philosophy”, “Philosophy Introductory Remarks”, “New lectures on Philosophy”, “Beauty As Liberty-Comparative Studies in Sino-European Aesthetics”, “All Things As One-The pursuit of philosophy and life”and other works represents the new philosophy and aesthetics of Mr.Zhang Shiying's main academic achievements. Zhang Shiying as the representative of the Chinese aesthetics and Peking University in Beijing university in 2010 on behalf of China for the first time after the grand opening of the 18 th annual International Congress of Aesthetics chief speaking,and he is the Ministry of Education Humanities and social science research base of Aesthetic Studies, Peking University Director of the academic Committee of the center, showing its status and influence on the aesthetics.The uniqueness and profound of Zhang Shiying's new philosophy has attract much attention in academia, but the existing research results mainly constrained by his philosophical thought, compared with his aesthetic thought are ignored by the most researchers in academia. In fact, in the philosophy of Zhang Shiying contains rich aesthetic factors,his aesthetic thought can be easily found in his different works, in “Philosophy Introductory Remarks”set special chapter-Aesthetic, then collect his aesthetic thought to a book:“Beauty As Liberty-Comparative Studies in Sino-European Aesthetics”. Based on the results of previous studies, intended to sort out the opinion on aesthetic and artistic of his works,using the method of unifying logic and history together,then puts his aesthetic thought in the background of the present era to find the value of Zhang Shiying's aesthetic thought and the academic contributions.I thinks that Zhang Shiying's aesthetic thought not only has important practical significance, but also provides an important academic enlightenment for Chinese aesthetics going,his thinking method not only stick to the nationality but also through ancient and modern, Chinese and Western,that provide a new thinking way of Contemporary Chinese Aesthetics Research.This paper is divided into three parts:The first part gives a detailed description of the background of Zhang Shiying's aesthetic thought from the two aspects about ideological and philosophical foundation. The formation of Zhang Shiying's aesthetic thought is closely linked with his growth background, school education, family education, and personal interests. He was not only deeply influenced by German classical philosophy, especially of Hegel's philosophy, but also proficient in the ancient Chinese philosophy and Western Philosophy, with a very broad academic vision.The second part of the main carding Zhang Shiying's aesthetics content, The key of Zhang Shiying's aesthetics is "beauty in the realm", philosophy is to enhance the human realm, the beauty of aesthetics should be sublimated realm, his all the integration of philosophy and aesthetics are interlinked. The chapter is mainly from four aspects of aesthetics methodology, aesthetic element theory, History of Western Aesthetics and History of Chinese Aesthetics,he was affected by Hegel's dialectics and the phenomenological method to integrate Chinese and Western,through modern and ancient,develop and formed the the aesthetic thoughts between poetry and thinking with joint reality, including some unique aesthetic element theory analysis:aesthetic sense, aesthetic imagination, aesthetic language,aesthetic value, aesthetic realm,in addition, build on its unique philosophy based on the elaboration of Chinese and Western Aesthetic History,embodies the rich and profound of Zhang Shiying's aesthetic thoughts.The third part gives an overall evaluation of Zhang Shiying's aesthetic thoughts. This part analyzes the source and the content of Zhang Shiying's aesthetics, striving to demonstrate the characteristics of Zhang Shiying's Aesthetics--theoretically transcendental, practical significance, and Chinese and Western comparison. Analysis the value of Zhang Shiying's aesthetic thought,Zhang Shiying's aesthetic thoughts on the basis of the fusion of Chinese and western ancient and modern have unique modern consciousness, mainly in the aesthetic theory, methodology and aesthetic significance and other aspects of the important revelation, its shortcomings in that ignore real personal aesthetic activity, set forth the details of the argument as well as smaller portions contradiction between the aesthetic point of view.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zhang Shiying, aesthetic, realm
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