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Yang Shangshan's Thought Of Yi Yi

Posted on:2019-01-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y ChengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2354330545993713Subject:TCM History and Literature
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"I Ching"(Book of Changes)is the source of development of Chinese culture,and the influence of the ideas of Chinese Medicine on the penetration of Chinese traditional culture is almost all aspects.As the most important carrier of Chinese culture,traditional Chinese medicine originated from the "IChing" and it has also continuously elucidated and enriched the ideas of Yi-ology,making the Yi-ology ideally enriched and applied in the medical field.For more than two thousand years,physicians of all ages have consciously used Yi Li to explain medical science,using the thinking framework of the Book of Changes to continuously enrich Chinese medicine theories,and formed the fine tradition of Medical Yi Huitong.However,with the introduction of modern Western medicine science,people pay more and more attention to experimental research.Based on anatomy,they pay more attention to the introduction of experimental data and theory.Western medicine has also deepened.At the same time,the relationship between the traditional Chinese medicine and the "Book of Changes" is also increasingly away from people's research line of sight.However,in the modern era of rapid development of science and technology,the limitations of western medicine have become increasingly evident.With the rise of China's economy,it is slowly regaining its cultural self-confidence."Book of Changes" is back to people's attention,and its relationship with Chinese medicine has also gradually been taken seriously by the academic community.The contemporary study of medical ideas is to accurately grasp the way of thinking of traditional Chinese medicine in order to provide theoretical guidance for the future development of Chinese medicine;on the other hand,in the great era of cultural renewal and regaining cultural confidence,let "Book of Changes" and traditional Chinese medicine culture are known to the public and actively promote China's outstanding traditional culture.The period of Sui and Tang Dynasties was the beginning of Huiyi's thought.The period did not form a system of medical ideas,but only a flash of sporadic wisdom.Most of them were the inheritance and continuation of the idea of Neijing.Inquiring into the medical and ideological thoughts of this period can help us understand the initial state of the medical and communication theory,and it has an important role in the study of the whole ideology of medical communication,and even in the study of the thoughts of the Medical Yi School in the Qing Dynasty.Yang Shangshan was a famous medical scientist at the beginning of the Tang Dynasty.Although there is no specific introduction in the history,this does not negate Yang's important contribution to the history of Chinese philosophy and medical history."The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classical Susu" is the major work of its handing down.It is the first book in China that re-edited the "Neijing" and is written in full.It plays an important role in the development of traditional Chinese medicine theory.This article mainly includes some parts:The first part of the thesis is literature review.First of all,it mainly reviews the development of medical ideas in ancient China and then analyzes the research status of Yang Shangshan.The second part of the thesis mainly discusses the effect of the Book of Changes on the formation of the theory of Inner Classics,which is mainly embodied in the cosmology of heaven and man,the changeable thinking mode and the logistic thinking model.The unity of heaven and man's way of thinking is the fundamental characteristic of the "easy" birth universe view of all things.Although the "Book of Changes" did not explicitly put forward the concept of "Heaven and Man Oneness," the idea of "Heaven and Man Oneness" runs through the entire Yi System.The "Inner Canon" applies the "harmony between man and nature”to medicine and guides medical practice.Mainly reflected in several aspects:1.Human survival depends on the nourishment of heaven and earth;2.The human physiological process changes along with changes in the natural world;3.Humans and nature follow the same rules.The third part of the thesis mainly examined the life of Yang Shangshan,the academic background of the early Tang Dynasty,and the academic value of Tai Su.In the end,Yang Shangshan was probably born in the last years of the Sui dynasty.He also served in the Sui dynasty in the early years of his life.However,during the Tang dynasty,due to the government's great efforts in cultural and education,he paid attention to the revision of ancient books.Therefore,Yang Shangshan was reused,and he wrote and edited the book.The Yellow Emperor Neijing is a book.Paying much attention on culture and education in the early Tang Dynasty,and pays attention to cultural education,advocating Taoism,and once taught Taoism as a state religion.Studying the academic background of the early Tang Dynasty helps to better analyze the historical causes of the formation of Yang Shangshan's medical thoughts,as well as the historical reasons and the characteristics of his medical ideas.The forth part of the thesis mainly examines the word "taisu" and explores the reason for the naming of the book "taisu" to analyze Yang Shangshan's medical ideas.First of all,the word "taisu" reflects Yang Shangshan's view of the universe.He believes that "taisu" is a stage in the process of the creation and derivation of the universe.This is where all things are created.This stage is also a stage of continuous development and change.It is the object of Chinese medicine research.Secondly,"Tai Sun" "Tai" can also be used for "Thai","Tai Su"or "Tai Su".It is the description of the beginning of all things in the universe.Communicating between heaven and earth,yin and yang,everything is born in harmony,and life is naive.One of the states.The fifth part of the thesis mainly discusses the most characteristic and most creative part of Yang Shangshan's medical ideas,that is,the introduction of "Twelve Messages" into medical theory to explain the rise and fall of natural yin and yang and explain the conversion of yin and yang.The mechanism,combined with Sanyin Sanyang theory,explains the pathogenesis.The sixthpart of the thesis mainly discusses Yang Shangshan's thought of attaching importance to "neutralization" and puts forward the concept of "harmony".He believes that"harmony" is the highest guiding ideology.The sixth part of the paper is the conclusion.Yang Shangshan's medical ideas have pioneering characteristics in the history of Chinese medicine and also have distinctive features.His medical thought is influenced by Taoist thoughts deeply,so while he explains the medical theory with easy reason,he also has very obvious tendency of Taoist thought.
Keywords/Search Tags:"Tai Su", "Twelve Messages", He Xing, Yin Yi, Yang Shangshan
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