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2009 Chronic Disease Cost Accounting Research In Gansu Province

Posted on:2013-10-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q WeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2354330371981703Subject:Social Medicine and Health Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Backgrounds and evidenceWhile the economy in China develops and the life style changes rapidly, as well as the aging population grows heavily, chronic diseases become the major influence on our nation's health problem. The fund raising policy determines whether there are sufficient resources to be utilized on chronic diseases prevention. However, our nation currently lacks systematic research and report on the funding of chronic diseases, and can't provide an overall analysis on the situation of the chronic disease fund-raising. Objective and significanceThi s paper aims to explain the current si tuation of GanSu province's chronic disease fund raising in2009, and to evaluate its problem and challenge. This research adopted a well-developed method in the world to fully analyze the cost of chronic disease, trying to make up the gap of lacking chronic disease data in our country. It also intends to provide data information and strong support for the government's designing and making policies to prevent chronic disease. Research contents and methodStudy contents include the accounting of total health cost of chronic disease, analysis of different sources of health cost for chronic disease's key input areas, analysis of different institutions' function of health cost for chronic disease and its application, and equity analysis for the public population who are beneficiaries of the health investment for chronic disease. This paper mainly used the "second edition of the international advanced health accounts data collection system" to analyze Gansu province's2009health cost for chronic disease and accounting of this cost.Results1. In2009, total health cost for chronic disease prevention and treatment was11.671billion RMB in Gansu Province. This accounts for64.17%of Gansu Province's total health expenditure (excluding fixed asset) in2009, and for3.45%of Gansu Province's global domestic product (GDP).2. The portion of patient personal payment for chronic disease was up to53.13%. Compared to all the families in Gansu Province, those families which have members who are afflicted by chronic disease are more likely to encounter poverty or catastrophe caused by disease.3. The cost for prevention of chronic disease accounted for1.41%of the cost of the entire chronic disease prevention and treatment. However, due to the limitation of estimation caliber and availability of data, it is possible that the results of costs of prevention might be underestimated.Discussion and suggestion1. Increase government investment in chronic disease prevention, and ration the allocation of limited health resources.2. Effectively reduce the economic burden of patients with chronic disease, and improve the fairness of the health financing system.3. Effort been made to perfect medical care security system, and develop new financing sources.4. Mobilize the whole society and the multi-sectors to participate and collaborate to promote prevention and treatment of chronic disease.
Keywords/Search Tags:account/chronic, disease/Gansu, province/out-of-pocket, healthpayment(OOP)
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