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Teahouse Design Research With Urban Cultural Characteristics

Posted on:2018-06-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhouFull Text:PDF
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With the rapid development of modern cities,the growing material and cultural needs of people and the slow development of urban infrastructure.Ji'nan,a famous historical and cultural city,is faced with a difficult problem of space transformation,like many other cities in china.The transformation of the old city of Ji'nan is the transformation of residential areas into urban tourism and leisure areas.The tea house project is the bearing space of the urban cultural characteristics and the tea culture,is one of the important space needs of the old city reconstruction.This paper studies the characteristics of teahouse space design language.For domestic successful cases,the common points and characteristics of Ji'nan city culture: cultural characteristics such as the same "slow" life in Chengdu "Heming teahouse";Buddhist culture in the inland lake and Hangzhou Lake in the city;a similar form,the political and cultural center of Beijing "Lao She Tea Museum" compared with the existing Ji'nan teahouse.By contrast,reflects the Ji'nan teahouse about many disadvantages existing city cultural characteristics,design methods for many of the other city teahouse copy mechanically.There is no historical and cultural characteristics,cultural characteristics and natural environment characteristics of Ji'nan teahouse.The only springs,honest cultural characteristics such as no success into the design language.Ji'nan area surrounding the chatan consumption has been close to the high-end tea consumption standards,but can only provide a pot of tea and a few chairs of the service,can not satisfy the people's needs of experience tea and rest.Therefore,with the city's cultural characteristics of the modern natural tea culture."Culture +" is a new form of economic growth in the city,which puts forward a high demand for the environmental art design.Teahouse design requires not only the theme is clear,to meet the functional requirements,beautiful and full of cultural flavor,but also need to be able to extract the cultural characteristics of the city to show the charm of the design language.This teahouse design method can be formed to promote the model to other cities of the teahouse design.Environmental art design method of "culture +".
Keywords/Search Tags:Tea house, “Culture+”, Cultural characteristics, Reform, The space design
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