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Research On The Development Policy Of The Service Industry In Hunan

Posted on:2016-04-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Y WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2349330488977107Subject:Public Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The service industry is an important component of the national economy, it plays an increasingly important role in economic growth, promoting employment and improving people's livelihood. The prosperity of service industry is a significant feature of economic. Report of the 18 th CPC National Congress notes that, speeding up the creation of a new growth model and carry out strategic adjustment of the economic structure is necessary. This is the major goal of accelerating the change of the growth model, with a focus on improving the demand mix and the industrial structure, developing and expanding the service sector, especially modern service industries. And constantly improve the service industry's level and gravity.In recent years, with the continuous introduction of policies to promoting the service industry, the service sector in Hunan Province developed rapidly. But the level of development is still relatively lagging behind. The study of Hunan Province Service Industry Development Policy has a very positive and realistic significance for grasping the structure of the service sector in the new situation, seizing a good opportunity of development, economic restructuring and promoting the development of service industry to a new phase, and making greater contributions to the province's economic growth. The thesis uses literature analysis, statistical analysis,comparative research and other methods. First, make a comprehensive analysis of the importance of the service sector development, policy concept, classification and development of services, from the perspective of theory. Then, through statistical analysis and comparative study of the development of service industry in Hunan before a brief description, the use of the service sector annual reports and third economic census data and other objective, rich statistical data. Meanwhile, the development of service industry, in recent years, Hunan policy analyzes on the current factors restricting the development of service industries in Hunan Province are described, highlighting the domestic part of the service industry development policy of services relatively developed provinces, from fiscal policy, taxation 9 aspect of policy, personnel policy, land policy, market policy, price policy, administrative fees,business registration policy and financing policies are analyzed and compared in order to get the policy experience of enlightenment to promote the service sector in Hunan Province. Finally, from a policy the general idea, to create a good environment for the development of service industry, to build industry support and nurture the development of four service industries and put forward policy recommendations topromoting the development of service industry in Hunan, to developing services for the government and relevant departments when policies provide a reference, Hunan service would achieve leapfrog development as soon as possible, and provide a reference for other provinces.
Keywords/Search Tags:Service industry, Service development, Policy
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