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Research On The Improvement Of The Technical Training System Of E-intech Co Ltd.

Posted on:2016-06-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H X ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2349330473964770Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The companies are encounter ing more fur ious compet it ion because of the deve lopme nt of techno logy and know ledge-based econo my.Meanwhile,the global econo mic unite and market syste m bring out new opportunit y for the developme nt of enterprise.U nder the socia l backgro und of the cha llenges and opportunit ies coexist, the enterprise wants to obtain tha n competitors stronger basic method is to than compet itors can learn faster, attaches great importance to the training of the enterprise, pay attent ion to the comprehe ns ive improve ment of t he qualit y of e mp loyees, allow ing emp loyees to adapt to the requireme nts of the deve lopment of enterprises, and then quick ly improve the core compet it iveness of enterprises, to achieve the win- win of enterprises and e mplo yees. " So, how to design and establish a set of scient ific, can adapt to the knowledge economy era of enterprise deve lopment needs of staff training system, it becomes an important issue in front of every enterprise.This paper takes E- intech C o Ltd for exa mp le and analyzes the training system of it. First of a ll, starting fro m the rele vant theor ies at home and abroad, Reinforceme nt theory, lear ning organizat ion a nd competency t heory. Second ly, the c urrent s it uat ion of E- intec h C o Ltd were ana lyzed, and the ana lys is of E- intech C o Ltd company, huma n resources and training status, training syste m of the exist ing proble ms and reasons are analyzed. Aga in, according to E- intech Co Ltd training syste m exist ing proble ms, training needs surve y ana lys is based on competency and puts forward design scheme of Techno logy Department o f training, and training manage me nt.. Fina lly, for the imp le mentat io n of the Surety C ompany training system, this paper puts forward advices to perfect the releva nt ma nage ment syste m, training of teachers and the establishment of network training system is suggested.Through the research on training syste m of E- intech C o Ltd, this paper is of great practica l significance on the lo ng- term deve lopment of the company, and it also provides some certain reference va lue for oher IT enterpr ise technica l training organization.
Keywords/Search Tags:E-intech Co Ltd, Training System, Compentency
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