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Design And Implementation For Small And Medium Enterprises Financing Platform Based On MVC

Posted on:2018-09-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Y ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330542959988Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of IT technology,today's society has developed into an era of information society.Most of the ways in which people live,work and interact with each other are accomplished by In ternet communications.Investment and financing information public service platform,in line with the purpose of information disclosure,and provide our clients advisory services,information dissemination services,project publishing services and cooperat ive intermediary services.This paper first discusses the software engineering theory,relational database theory,investment theory and financing theory involved in the research process in detail.Then based on the theory of software engineering,proposed financing solutions for SMEs.Subsequently,strictly follow the evolutionary path in software engineering theory,closely follow the waterfall model to promote ideas,in accordance with the question,analyze its feasibility,to carry out needs analysis,t o carry out a summary design,detailed design,the final test to carry out specific routes,high quality Completed the development of SME financing platform.SME financing platform uses J2 EE platform for development,the main programming language uses JAVA language,programming platform us es lightweight Myeclipse platform.Based on the principle of reusable development,the financing platform for SMEs chose the MVC model in the development mode to provide a convenient architecture model for the development of the system.For data stability,technology,open source considerations,in the database management project on the SME financing platform selected My SQL database for the system's database design and data storage management for reliable protection.During the process of system development,through the system testing,the problems found in the process are found,which makes the whole system more in line with the expectation and suit the user's needs in function and performance.Through the process of solvin g the actual problems,A clear understanding.In the end,the system was successfully launched under the guidance of a scientific,rigorous and systematically promoted work program.Through the online stable operation,this paper verifies the correctness o f the research work in this paper.It is hoped that this research work can provide valid references for later comers in related fields.So as to further solve the problem of the lack of system security in the software industry in our country at the same t ime and to speed up the reduction of the industry gap between the software development industry in developed countries in China and other countries.
Keywords/Search Tags:J2EE, MVC, Financing platform
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