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Design And Implementation Of The Selling Application In Mobile Phone Based On Ionic Framework And Angularjs

Posted on:2018-11-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Z ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330542452183Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the popularity of smart phones,the rapid increase in the number of online shopping crowd,and promote the major commercial sites(such as Jingdong,Taobao,etc.)the development of these sites have their own corresponding mobile client software to facilitate users through the mobile phone online shopping,Although there are many shopping app,but because the user's habits and needs are constantly changing,the development of a more easy to use and practical app this task will never be out of date,therefore,the development of a corresponding brand APP not only Is an urgent requirement of the Internet business,but also to provide users with more efficient and simple service.This paper is the use of ionic as a development framework,with angularJS development of the front page and data binding,and then use html5 language to prepare the display page,node.js for background technology support,by mongoDB database to complete the data access.Design is divided into two parts of the client and the management side,the client for ordinary users to buy goods,the management side for the administrator to manage orders and merchandise use.This article uses webstorm as the main development tool,because cordova support cross-platform application development,the code is written using Android Studio to generate Android port apk file,the use of Xcode generated IOS client ipa file,so the two mobile phone systems can use the software.The main functions of the client are:user registration and login,only the user login to confirm the user identity;merchandise browsing;merchandise search,user-friendly to buy the specified goods;add a shopping cart to facilitate unified billing;goods payment with alipay and wxpay and so on;,You can see whether the seller shipped;my wallet,to achieve the recharge and the realization of the function;add a collection;modify the password;add comments,you can provide a reference for other users to buy,the management side is not open to ordinary users,only the administrator can Use,administrator has management authority,including product management,order management,classification management,inventory management,home page management and other functions.After the operation of the program to meet the needs of ordinary users to buy things online to achieve the entire shopping process,while meeting the company for online sales requirements,reduce the company under the pressure of sales,saving labor costs.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ionic, AngularJS, MongoDB, Mall APP, Multi platform application
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