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Design And Implementation Of A Procuratorate Business Management System Based On Java EE

Posted on:2017-04-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
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With the progress of science and technology,information obtained high speed development,promoted the progress of all walks of life,through the informatization of operation management system can effectively enhance the efficiency of all walks of life.For the people's procuratorate,the rapid development of information technology also proposed new requirements of procuratorate work,now in the department of inspection office,need to work a kind of law enforcement and case information platform,which will be well versed in procuratorate longitudinal,promote the people's procuratorate of transverse resources integration sharing operation,the business in the past by procuratorate staff manual processing,the way to the main problem is the low working efficiency,staff work strength,part of the business due to factors such as fault,makes the specific problems of data information and affect the working schedule.Aiming at this problem,the development of the system,first describes the procuratorate business management system development background,describe the urgency of my procuratorate business management system development as well as the specific significance of system development,focuses on the system of domestic and foreign research background narrative content are given,and then we give the procuratorate business management system with the development of technology,system requirements analysis from two aspects:the function of the system and nonfunctional carried on the detailed elaboration,first start from the content of functional requirements,in accordance with the specific operation module of system gives its have the function,the system of general use case diagram and each functional module of the use case diagram is given,and then on the system performance requirements of nonfunctional requirements are analyzed in detail,which has been clear about the key points and difficulties of the people's procuratorate business management system development.System design,business management system based on the procuratorate to determine the needs of the overall design,including system architecture,technical architecture,the profile design of each functional module and detailed design are described in general,on the basis of the overall architecture of the database design,gives the concept of structure and design contents of database tables in detail,for the storage of the whole system.System implementation link,on the basis of the requirements phase to determine the needs of the content,the realization of the network architecture of system is given first,then the code structure and system of the realization of each function module in detail,including the criminal prosecution supervision and investigation activities supervision,monitoring,management,management of accepting cases,asking the case management and record management function module,system function structure of the screenshots are presented.System test environment,according to the demand of the realization of the function of the analysis phase to determine and nonfunctional implementation to test two aspects of the business,recording system specific test process and content of the test results show that the system load demand at the beginning of design,convenient for system improvement.In a lot of management business,the procuratorate investigation supervision is the core of the people's procuratorate business,through the business functions,the people's procuratorate can safeguard the rights and interests of the masses of the people,to fight crime and to resolve contradictions in the social information and other business function,through the investigation and their supervision jointly carry out of the business,for specific criminal litigation law supervision of the business,to investigate business,criminal prosecution business,such as monitoring,correct the illegal events,contributing to the strategy of governing the country according to law the power of their own.
Keywords/Search Tags:procuratorate business management system, MVC design pattern, Java EE, MySQL database
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