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Research And Demonstration Application Of Guangzhou Custom Bus Operation Management Platform

Posted on:2017-07-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J R HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330536453343Subject:Software Engineering IT Project Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Incre asing with the economic development of the cit y,on the bus,subway and other m ainstream public transportation pressure increasing,the dramatic increase in vehicles,and t ravel by bus in the crowde d and cause more people choose to drive on the road,a num ber of reasons to enlarge the urban congestion degree.How to use intelligent methods t o assist citizens reasonable travel,make full use of m ature city bus transport s ys tem,improve urban public transport system service level and become a problem to be solved by the traffic administrative depar tmentunity coll ection bus(often refe rred to as "custom bus" or "business bus")is to solve urban travel the new model of personalized and intelligent,mainly to col lect cit izens travel demand,make full use of normalizat ion technology refine ment of data through a "quick and efficient" operation,at the same tim e of meet di versified travel demand,im prove the service efficiency of the t ransport ati on sector,alleviate s ome ci tizens travel congest ion;Broaden the scope of corporat e revenue,trans fer the spare capa city.At the same t ime,t hrough the reasonable balance the supply and demand rel ati ons,advocate gr ee n travel,more citizens is the gua ngzhou construction resource conservation and environment friendly city.This topi c first st udies the appl ication of network and intensive car model and key t echnology,for the pilot,establish suitable city planni ng,population dis tribution,traffi c demand model of travel demand,set up mobil e terminal applications and their corre sponding m anagement background,and on t he basis of the model,for travel information,and form a l ine,final ly form ed in custom bus way to realiz e the development and appli cation of system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Intensi ve car, operation, platform
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