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Design And Implementation Of Chengdu Railway Bureau's Talent Exchange System

Posted on:2018-09-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330521950683Subject:Computer technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Talent is the first productivity. Most important for team,a enterprise, even the whole society, talent is the fundamental to the development of the talent recruitment and training is to improve the core competitiveness of the whole group is an important aspect. Therefore, for every enterprise and institution, the absorption of talent is a essential competition". With the advent of the era of Web large front-end, the front end is more and more responsibility in the development of the Web system, the front end of the performance has become more and more rich and powerful. Alibaba, Tencent, Jingdong and other Internet giants, which has strong technical reserves,are bringing more changes that more enterprises to establish the network recruitment channels of its own, indenting to get the most wanted staff in a simple way. In order to improve their image, and establish good communication channels for college students,as a leading enterprise in southwest transportation, Chengdu Railway Bureau, the first half of 2016 decided to upgrade the network recruitment system of the original, and develop the corresponding network reporting requirements, online examination management processes.This thesis introduces the design and development process of Chengdu railway bureau,which is mainly developed by me. According to the existing system of ZhilianZhaopin,graduates, QianChengWuYou intermediary recruitment website, fully understand and in-depth analysis of Alibaba, Jingdong and other enterprise recruitment network function, process and other aspects of safety performance, and according to the specific needs of recruitment in Chengdu railway bureau. This system is based on B/S (Broswer/Server, browser/ server)structure, with ASP.NET MVC3 (external network) and Spring (internal network part) as the system framework. Through this system, the Chengdu Railway Bureau can realize the application, examination and approval of each employers, and release the recruitment of candidates, candidates registration, organization examination, admission candidates and other recruitment process.This thesis first describes the current domestic and foreign talent recruitment and the most acceptable solutions, and then introduces the key technologies used in the recruitment system,including ASP.NET MVC3, Spring, Amaze UI, EasyUI and the Chengdu Railway Bureau unified authentication platform. Then make the requirements analysis of the system from objective requirements, functional requirements and non-functional requirements, and then introduces the function of each module design,the design of database, the principle to divide intranet and extranet database. Finally, make a detailed description of the implementation process, describes the difference of the intranet and extranet system,and introduce the way to login each part of the system. And then introduces the main modules of the system implementation, and the depth studies of the in the implementation scheme and key technologies during implement the system, including the key algorithm of optimization of internal and external synchronization technology, the strategy to read and write data consistency, jQuery library expansion and front-end UI framework modification, data access optimization, Echart/UpLoadify front-end application and plug-in library interaction design of UI interface loading efficiency optimization.
Keywords/Search Tags:Talent exchange, Front end frame, UI frame, Interaction design
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