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Research On Linked Stream Data Query Method Based On SPARQL

Posted on:2018-01-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G Z LuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper analyzes the data feature in the Internet,such as real-time,large amounts of data,heterogeneity of the data and so on,and research data identification and access,massive data query,real-time data query and so on.With the development of semantic technology,the combination of semantic web and Internet of things result in the arise of linked stream data.It solves the problem of data identification and access,but there are various problems in the existing query processing system of linked stream data.This paper research the method of linked stream data query to effectively process the linked stream data.Firstly,this paper introduces the existing linked stream data query system,and implement experiment comparative analysis.And points out the shortcomings of existing query system.Secondly,this paper provides the optimization method of linked data and incremental-based operator structure.However,static linked stream data will affect the processing speed in the process of linked stream data.To resolve the problem,this paper proposes the RDF graph optimization method by analyzing RDF graph.This method can greatly improve the speed of linked stream data process on the RDF graph by compressing the RDF graph.It mainly implements it by using the operator in the process of linked stream data query.This paper analyzes the function of the operator in the existing system,and designs the incremental-based operator structure which can better adapt to the continuous process and reduce the query time.Finally,this paper designs and realizes a SPARQL-based linked stream data query system.In this paper,the linked stream data query method is compared with the existing query method.The results show that the proposed method has improved the query speed of link stream data.
Keywords/Search Tags:Semantic Web of Things, Linked Data, Linked Stream Data, SPARQL, Data Query
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