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The Analysis And Design Of Security Market Management System Based On IOS Platform

Posted on:2018-03-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X TaoFull Text:PDF
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In recent years,Chinese real economy,e-commerce and other fields have received rapid development,various types of invest ment channels grow along with people’ s arising investment demands.Most investors focus on securi ties and stock investm ent,which require investors acknowledge all kinds of information that related to the stock movements,including market trends,business conditions and financial status real-tim e and comprehensively.But traditional methods with manual and PC waste m uch time and effort on inform ation collection,which can not m eet the real-tim e information needs.Therefore,our graduation is designe d to solve above probl ems and establish a securities market information management system on the IOS operating system that is commonly used,hoping to meet the investors’ mobile investment needs.The design begins with the research on th e current s ituation of the inf ormation management system of the securities m arket,then analyzes the bottleneck of its development,focuses on the aspects of its investment demand,and demonstrates the feasibility and practical significance of this design with the support of various literatures.The design process of the secu rities market information management system based on IOS platform includes de mand analysis,system design,function realization and implementation.Demand analysis is guided by object-oriented theory,and UML model is established with concrete use cases and protocols.System design focus on business process analysis;System implementation give specific methods and interface design and system implementation execute functional testing,evaluate system according to the testing results.The test results show that the research and developm ent of the securities market information management system based on IOS platform has basically achieved all functions,and the sy stem is sm ooth,has beautiful interface,which can m eet the investment needs of traders.
Keywords/Search Tags:IOS, The securities market, System development, System evaluation
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