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The Research Of Development And Management Of Provincial Network TV Sation

Posted on:2018-03-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X W YinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330512482917Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of the Internet,the arrival of the information age,the traditional media is changing with the ever-changing speed,the emergence of network radio and television is the product of this background.However,due to talent,technology,capital of many factors,the development of the differences around the obvious,but with management lag,the reform stopped,stick to the traditional management thinking and other commonality.Therefore,this article is used as a research issue,based on the development of Jiangxi network radio and television stations,combined with the actual situation of other local stations,some of these issues to analyze and explore,and hope that the Government can strengthen the network radio and television related supervision.The study found that Internet radio and television is related to the rapid development of the Internet,is the traditional television to adapt to the new market changes and the results of the response.Practice has proved that the network radio and television with interactive,real-time,participatory and many other features,and these are the pursuit of modern social audience.However,the development of online radio and television in the process,there are lagging management,institutional rigidity,reconstruction of light services and other issues,its roots lies in heavy hardware,light software,the lack of reform and innovation spirit and awareness,and these problems on the surface is the network radio The problem of television construction,its essence lies in the management of public utilities,and therefore,through strengthening the management concept and awareness,strengthening the brand building,changing the existing management mode,reforming the rigid management system,improving the operation The effectiveness of the effort is necessary to choose the path.
Keywords/Search Tags:network radio and television, towards the market, brand building, new media
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