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Students Apartments Management System Based On B/S Structure Of The Design And Implementation

Posted on:2017-12-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330503492590Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Student dormitory management is a basic management of colleges and universities.To the key universities, the establishment of student dormitorymanagement system is indispensable. The student dormitorymanagement of Beijing University of Technology still uses outdated Excel spreadsheet, hardcopy documents, and manual search, which cannot meet the requirement of timely, accurate,effectivemanagement. In this traditional mode, the use of ordinary Excel forms and paper documents on the management of student dormitory has many shortcomings and low efficiency. It has been unable to adapt to the current university student dormitorymanagement. In order to simply and quickly search the student information, save time, improve work efficiency, and reduce the workload of management staff, dormitoryinformation management system is imperative. The main research work of this paper includes:(1) Wesurvey the published paper in university student dormitorymanagement system. Weanalyze of the current management of the university student dormitory. Westudy the implementation and the main problems of the existing systems. According to the requirements and characteristics of the students' dormitory management in Beijing University of Technology, this paper has made a detailed design and development of the students' dormitorymanagement system.(2) According to the results of data analysis and investigation, from the point of view of practical application, we analyzethe system development environment and the relevant technology. We carried on the requirement analysis, design, completionand test of the student dormitorydemand system.(3) The student dormitorymanagement system is to design and implement based on the B/S architecture and Web technology. The system is mainly used J2 EE as the development foundation. It uses the current mainstream SSH frameworkin the industry. It uses the MyEclipse as the development tools. It uses MySQL as database. Dreamweaver is used to design and develop the front pages, combined with dynamic JSP pages, system development language for Java. This is a simple installation, easy to expand, low cost of open source software, the system interface is simple, easy to operate, easy to maintain.The successful development of this system will help to realize the information management of College Students' apartment, and realize the collection and analysis of students' information, which makes the management of College Students' Apartments more scientific and convenient. System has been able to operate normally, and has good stability, scalability and good portability, can be applied to other colleges and universities in the management of apartments.
Keywords/Search Tags:informationmanagement system, student apartment, University
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