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Design And Implementation Of Unified Storage Management Platform System

Posted on:2017-02-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R ZhaoFull Text:PDF
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In recent years, with the accelerating pace of global information technology, the world's growth rate has become more and more quickly, the magnitude of the total amount of information is also increasing. The attendant problems is that how to effectively store these information? In the course of development of human society,the representation and storage of information represents the sophistication of the civilization, in the history of China, people from the original sheepskin, bamboo, silk development to paper and a piece of paper and movable type printing is the ancient Chinese people left to future generations and all the people of the world a gift. Since modern times, with the development of information revolution, human information technology into the digital era, all kinds of information through the digital stored in a computer, a computer for the core of the information revolution, especially because of the advent of the Internet, people can complete the exchange, learning, social, life and other daily work, the Internet makes information flow faster and faster, but also to produce information faster than people's imagination. In order to store digital information, modern scientists have invented a variety of storage technologies, such as optical storage, magnetic storage, semiconductor memory, etc.. And the large capacity of the hard drive because of the cheap and efficient to become the mainstream of the storage medium, in the enterprise storage server is the main tool for information storage. In today's business, the customer will not meet a storage product,in a data center, often there are different manufacturers and models of storage equipment, these devices are usually comes with management software, which is a more complex task, management personnel need to maintain a list to manage equipment. The purpose of this paper is to simplify the administrator tasks, so that the device administrator can monitor and manage all the SAN storage devices(providing block storage services) by a unified storage management platform, the main contents of my work include the following:First, a design scheme of unified monitoring and management for storage devices is presented. There are many ways to monitor the equipment, such as SSH(command line), SNMP(Simple Network Management Protocol), etc., but for storage devices,the industry unified protocol for SMI-S protocol, because in the actual project, the various manufacturers of SMI-S support is not the same, in the specific engineering practice, is often the main way to SMI-S protocol, in order to command line and other ways to support. Secondly, a set of engineering structure of the unified storage management platform is put forward. The main function of this paper is how to design a unified management of heterogeneous devices through a set of standard protocols.In this paper, the management status of the storage industry, put forward the concrete engineering solutions, and through the actual engineering projects, verify the correctness, to achieve the intended target.
Keywords/Search Tags:network storage, unified management, SAN, SMI-S protocol
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