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Research On Output Feedback Dissipative Control For A Class Of Linear Continuous Systems With Multiple Constraints

Posted on:2017-04-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330488955286Subject:Operational Research and Cybernetics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Dissipative system theory has played an important role in the research of system stability since it was put forward by Willems in 1972. Its essence is that there is a non negative energy function, which makes the storage of system energy always less than the supply of energy. Most of the dissipative control problems so far involve only the dissipation of the control system. However, it is usually necessary to design some kind of controller so that the controlled systems achieve several required specifications, such as fast response characteristics, tracking or control precision, H∞ attenuation of external interference.Therefore, it is of theoretical value and essential to study the dissipative control problems with some desired performance requirements.In this paper, we mainly study the static output feedback dissipative control problem for continuous linear systems under the given constraints on fast response, control precision and H∞, attenuation. The main contents are summarized as follows: (1) Output feedback dissipative control under regional pole constraintsThe static output feedback is designed for the continuous linear system, so that all poles of the closed-loop system are located in the designated area to ensure the fast response characteristics, and the system has the specified strict (Q, S, R) dissipation. A BMI description of the problem is given. According to the existing path-following BMI method, by adding a slack variable, a LMI iterative algorithm is proposed. (2) Output feedback dissipative control with pole and variance constraintsThe static output feedback is designed for a class of continuous system, so that the regional pole constrains are met, stable output variances are less than the given value, and the specified dissipation is achieved. A BMI description of the problem is given.A LMI iterative algorithm is also proposed to solve the desired output feedback. (3) Output feedback dissipative control with pole and HOT constraintsThe static output feedback is designed so that the poles are located, the resulting H∞, attenuation is less than the given value, and achieve the specified dissipation. A BMI description of the problem is given, and a LMI iterative algorithm is also proposed.The effectiveness is verified by numerical examples respectively.
Keywords/Search Tags:dissipative control, static output feedback, pole assignment, H_∞ attenuation bound, output variance, linear matrix inequality, bilinear matrix inequalities, path-following method
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