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Mobile Development Middleware Designer Development

Posted on:2017-07-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z H LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330488478213Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development in recent years, the mobile terminal and the mobile Internet had spread around the world. With increasing demand for mobile applications, mobile application development costs are constantly increasing. How to reduce the cost of mobile application development and mobile application development to shorten the development time problems moving the application needs more attention. because of its rich variety of mobile devices, the type of mobile device operating systems are diverse. Native mobile applications corresponding to different operating systems with different mobile software to develop, resulting in a large mobile application development costs.Mobile middleware development is to reduce the cost of mobile application development. Increase development speed and reduce manpower late software maintenance and proposed middleware supports App creation, design, production, as well as to interact with the server to the network using and other functions. Middleware is divided into two engine design and rendering system. Design's function is to create App project, page design and build App App installation package. Rendering engine has two functions, one is the user-designed App project compiled into the Android platform and IOS App platform installation package, another feature is supported by a network request App use.This article is designed to achieve the system, mainly by the visual editor and Controls Gallery thereof. Control Library by the JQuery Mobile UI implemented, JQuery Mobile UI and Mobile App is similar to native control, user control to the page by dragging the page templates App generated for each page control bound data and events. Finally, the rendering engine compilation engine by Phone Gap project will generate two platforms App App installation package.This paper develops the designer can quickly and easily build some logic functions are not particularly complex partial information display mobile applications, such as news App, can reduce development costs and development time invested.
Keywords/Search Tags:Middleware, Designer, Hybrid App, Widget, PhoneGap
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