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Home Design Show Virtual Simulation And Interaction Design Research And Application

Posted on:2017-06-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H CuiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330482996353Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the global trend of virtual simulation technology development gradually increased, household display design and its industrial chain have undergone great changes, which also makes home display design industry must keep pace with the times and creatively provide new home display mode, in order to meet the needs of modern users growing experience.How to apply the virtual simulation technology in the field of home display is a new research topic, and it is also a leading technology to promote the development of the entire home industry. Compared with the traditional home display technology, virtual simulation technology broke the time and space constraints on the subject, based on the real-time virtual interaction space, will be home to show the content compiled data information transmission and finishing, makes the audience can in many ways, multi range acquisition to the home show effect, so as to enhance the user experience. With the advanced technology in the current stage,the display technology and the direction of home industry research, not only to promote the development of this discipline, but also to broaden the scope of this subject research.In this paper, based on the virtual simulation design of the homeshow, this paper studies the scarcity of the technology in practice, so as to explore the application of new technology in the field of home display.This article melts art and science and technology as a whole, trying to make use of advanced science and technology, and explore the mode transformation of home display design industry. In the art and technology combined with the situation, this paper from four aspects: first, research on the analysis of Home Furnishing exhibition origin, research purpose,for the user Home Furnishing display design experience and Home Furnishing show the physical and psychological needs of the main form,which leads to generation of home show the deficiencies in the design;two through the basic concept of virtual simulation design and key features of interaction design, the view of system, the "virtual" and "experience of behavior", "interaction design features", analysis of the Home Furnishing display design and virtual simulation design of the connection between common features, and then put forward the virtual simulation design Home Furnishing based on the principle of design and display design requirements; three, the case study of IKEA Home Furnishing shop experience, design from the perspective of the virtual design and simulation from Home Furnishing display Demonstrate the effectiveness of the virtual simulation and interactive design in the home exhibition hall of the utility, to think about home display design and virtual simulation of interactive design problems and solutions. Four,analysis of the project Zhongshan rosewood home digital exhibition hall in the space under the guidance of virtual simulation design. Starting from the virtual simulation, the overall design of the exhibition hall through the atmosphere of the exhibition, to create a formation of four virtual display space, virtual technology will all nodes connected in series to converge into the virtual space, finally completed the whole museum rosewood display showing the effect of building, also completed the real exhibition space, virtual exhibition space and interactive exhibition space of natural convergence.
Keywords/Search Tags:home display design, virtual simulation, interactive design
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