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Design And Implementation Of Personal Estate Credit Load Management System For Lianyungang Bank

Posted on:2016-10-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L J ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330482967503Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Personal estate credit loan management system is an important sub-system of Lianyungang Bank's personal credit loan business system The system's developing goals can be summarizes as the following:first, through informational management software system, it can realize completed and standard flow management to person credit loan projects, and make each business transaction processing normalized and streamlined. Secondly, it can use informational technology advantages to not only control risks but also find new potential business chances and market updates.Surrounding with the above goals, this paper discusses design and implementation of Lainyungang Bank's personal estate credit loan business management system, gives amply demand analysis, software design, programming implementation and detailed technical testing scenarios. First, it describes this system's software engineering and financial informational application foundations. In the core parts, it focuses on discussing this management system's main functional requirements, especially real estate mortgage business function, personal real estate credit business function, public accumulation funds business management function and some special business functions for special need customers. It also establishes corresponding user case modules for the above functions. On the basis of demand analysis, it discusses the system's software design, especially its architecture frame, internal business logic processing design scenarios, main business processing flow design and the system's database design scenario. At last, it discusses this software system's programming and testing, and gives summarization.This system is finished with developing team's internal test and primary trial running assessment and has good feedback on raising the precision and completeness in the mortgage business and effectively reducing business risks. In summary the trial running assessment shows that it can effectively complete all the bank's personal estate credit loan management business functions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Loan Management, Credit Management, Management Information System
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