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Research On The Application Of Local Resources In Middle School History Teaching

Posted on:2018-02-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H T WuFull Text:PDF
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With the arrival of the age of economic globalization,political multi-polarization,and science and technology informatization,history curriculum in middle schools is facing new challenges and adjustments.The focus of the history teaching reform is how to stimulate students' learning desire and improve the effectiveness of teaching,in order to achieve the goal of education,and cultivate the core competence of discipline,what be a hot issue in the academic circles is that how to use the local resources in teaching.Local resources have regional differences,this paper takes Xunwu County,Jiangxi City,Ganzhou Province as a case,try to combine the application of local resources with the reform in middle school history teaching,pursue research by literatures analysis,survey and interview,case analysis and so on.This paper mainly includes six parts:Introduction:including the reason that chose this topic,the review of academic history,the significance of this study,research methods,the key and difficult part in general.The first chapter is the investigation on the application of Xunwu county local resources in middle school history teaching.Through visiting middle school teachers and students in Xunwu county by random sampling,to get the information of the actuality application of local resources,analyzes the problems existing in the development and utilization of local resources of Xunwu county in middle school history teaching,such as teachers have not form the correct view of curriculum resources;they also have not realize the function and value of local resources;the development of local resources is limited,which be a single way;students,parents,schools and education departments think little of it and so on.The second chapter is the profile of Xunwu county local resource.This paper summarizes the natural geographical resources,cultural and historical resources and social development resources of Xunwu County,affirmed the favorable external conditions for development and utilization of local resources in Xunwu county.The third chapter is the application of Xunwu county local resources in middle school history teaching.This paper expounds the main methods and strategies of developing and utilizing the local resources of Xunwu county,such as permeate the consciousness of flexible use in the teaching activities,embody the motive of using in the observation activities,expand the use space in the practical activities,etc..Finally,combining with the experience of middle school history teaching,the paper presents some typical cases of the use of local resources in Xunwu county.The fourth chapter is ponder over the application of county local resources in middle school history teaching.According to the the problems found in the existing research on the development and utilization of local resources do some thinking and put forward,firstly teachers and students,families,schools and education departments should strengthen the importance of the applicationof county local resources;secondly,the application of the local resources in the high school history teaching should follow certain principles: moderation principle;the principle of openness;scientific principle;inquiry principle etc..
Keywords/Search Tags:local resources county, middle school history teaching, Xunwu county
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