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Baoding Old Age College Students' Learning Situation From The Perspective Of Aging Society

Posted on:2018-12-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y F QianFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330539485218Subject:Adult Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Along with our country population aging trend has become increasingly apparent,strengthen the elderly education is very important,the elderly university is not only an important place to carry out the old age education,but also an important carrier of constructing learning society and perfecting lifelong education system.Although the elderly university in Baoding has been more than thirty years of history,has made some achievements,but still in the exploratory stage.In this study,the participants of the elderly university in Baoding as the research object,mainly using the questionnaire survey method,through the study of students' learning situation in Baoding elderly university,we can truly understand the learning situation of elderly students,analysis of the difficulties encountered by older students,on the basis of existing research results,put forward the optimization strategy from elderly student,elderly university,family,and government,social organization and so on.It is helpful to improve the teaching quality of the elderly university,improve the quality of the elderly life,and actively respond to the aging society,promote the construction of learning society.This paper is divided into four parts.The first part is the introduction,which mainly describes the origin of the study,the purpose and significance of the study,summarizes the research at home and abroad,put forward the research ideas and research methods,pointed out the key points,difficulties and innovations.The second part is the definition of the concept and theoretical basis,to define the main concept of the research learning situation,aged learning and elderly university,to explore the writing process of writing the main theoretical basis,such as elderly education theory,lifelong education theory,Maslow demand hierarchy theory and active aging theory.The third part is based on the investigation and analysis of the students' learning situation in Baoding elderly university.On the one hand,it involves the design and implementation of the questionnaire and interview,the scope of the research and the sampling of the research object.On the other hand,the author analyzes and discusses the statistical results of the questionnaire,and points out the problems existing in the learning situation of the elderly university students in Baoding.The fourth part is to optimize the elderly college students learning strategies,mainly from the older students,elderly university,family and other four dimensions proposed the optimization strategy of baoding elderly university students learning situation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Elderly University, Elderly Students, Learning Situation, Strategy
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