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The Present Situation And Countermeasures Of Extracurricular Reading Of Senior High School Students Under The Background Of New Media

Posted on:2018-04-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M W LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330518487137Subject:Pedagogical ˇ¤ languages
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The advent of the era of new media,changed the traditional text era.People of entertainment are more diverse,variety shows,film and television programs,online games such as emerge in endlessly.For high school students,they were born and grew up in the pursuit of the era of visual sensory stimulation.This background,although to provide convenience for high school students to learn all kinds of new knowledge,but a negative situation is not optimistic,under the new media age,high school students time chasing network hot spots,reading situation is a cause for concern.Therefore the development of new media to high school students reading has brought new challenges,improve high school students reading has become a new link in the field of Chinese teaching.The purpose of this paper is to study the new media under the background of high school students to read the status quo and the reasons,and puts forward the corresponding improvement strategy,promote high school students in reading.Based on the above thinking framework,this paper is divided into four chapters.The first chapter,Outlines the development background of the new media.In this section,first of all,this paper discusses the origin and development of television,the Internet.And then reveals the excessive entertainment tendency in the process of its development.In the final analysis in the development of new media overheating too bad guide not only affect high school students' reading time,catalytic shallow reading of high school students at the same time.The second chapter,the present research situation and the reasons.The questionnaire investigation of the extracurricular reading first.Then analysis the result of the questionnaire,the result shows:the high school students reading quantity is insufficient;Reading time is not enough;Poor reading habits;Lack of interest in reading;Extracurricular time for network,TV,etc.Aiming at these phenomena,the author in-depth thinking,attribution is as follows:First,the new media for high school students reading time,content,the influence of interest;Second,the derived under the background of new media fragmentation reading habits.Third,lack of proper guidance of teachers.Fourth,the influence of family reading atmosphere.The third chapter,according to current situation of the new media under the background of high school students reading put forward the corresponding strategy.Study mainly from the following aspects:first,to strengthen guidance strategy,cultivating students' reading ability.Second,the reasonable use of network media,improve the occasion stimulate students interest in reading.Third,create good family reading atmosphere,sharing the parent-child reading.The fourth chapter,this paper puts forward the high school students need to master the methods of reading in the reading process.Mainly divided into basic and advanced reading.Basic reading first needs to the student to obtain useful information in the text and learn to distinguish between the key information.Secondly to practice reading speed,improve reading efficiency.Finally,to build a reasonable knowledge structure of reading.Creative reading demands students express their more after reading comprehension,writing essays,as well as the rational use of reference books,so as to enhance their ability of self-study.
Keywords/Search Tags:new media, High school students, Extracurricular reading, The status quo, countermeasures
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