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The Transformation Of "Learning Difficulties”in Chinese Senior High School

Posted on:2017-10-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330518481327Subject:Chinese subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After the new curriculum reform,pay close attention to the development of every student to become the core concept of the new curriculum,the idea of specific implementation in teaching,not only is the consideration to the cognitive level of the students,more for students learning emotion of attention.In our daily teaching process,we often encountered the foundation is relatively weak,the poor literacy of students,they generally believe that Chinese curriculum learning content and different,more boring,so the Chinese learning motivation is not strong,even for a variety of reasons,the interest of Chinese language learning gradually subsided,gradually become the language learning difficult students,we usually think of this kind of students "learning difficulties".In fact,in today's high school language teaching,Chinese students learning difficulties in the gradual expansion of the population,especially in the relatively backward educational resources in remote areas,this group is a large number of people.So,how to transform the students with learning difficulties is an important topic in the new curriculum.In the face of the high school Chinese "learning difficulties" group,we cannot sit by and watch the growing,not will abandon its,into a middle school Chinese education can not break through the blind spot.The to where the author of the art of high school Chinese students with learning difficulties learning situation were investigated.Hope that through to the art students in senior high school Chinese "underachievers" cases of transformation,to further clarify the of the class students transformation strategies and methods.This paper consists of five parts:The first part is the introduction,focusing on from the research background and significance,research status,research ideas and innovation points several parts,brief introduction to the problems of the "underachievers" in high school Chinese origin of previous theory and practice.The second part is the first chapter,key is described from high school for the arts of Chinese "learning difficulties" status,mainly with my art school catalog and the student group features of the actual situation,to the school where the Chinese "learning difficulties" characteristics are summarized.The third part is the second chapter,mainly analyzes the reasons of the students"learning difficulties" in Chinese art senior high school,in order to complete the process of attribution.The fourth part is the third chapter,mainly talk about art high school Chinese"underachievers" transformation method,according to the second chapter is the case relates to the students,guide track that some effective transformation methods or strategies.The fifth part is mainly through the previous chapters of the six types of art high school language learning difficulties students from the students themselves,teachers,family and other factors,summed up the effective strategy,put forward some ideas.
Keywords/Search Tags:art high school, Chinese students "learning difficulties", combined with school situation, transformation
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