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A Comparative Study On The Physical Geography Of High School Geography Textbooks

Posted on:2018-03-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y S XuFull Text:PDF
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As an important symbol for measuring the basic education level of a country or a region,the textbook's construction has risen to the height of the national strategy in recent years,thus the reform and development of textbook cannot be ignored.The focus of geography education teaching research is on how to improve the geography textbook,making it not only in line with the professional requirements of geographers and educators,but also be accepted by the majority of teachers and students and achieve the teaching objectives,and ultimately promote the development of geography education and progress.In high school geography education,the physical geography is most closely related with daily life,and it is the basis of human geography and regional geography learning.Therefore,the physical geography part of high school is selected as the research object.The Mainland China and Taiwan have similar educational and cultural background,especially in the layout design of textbooks.At the same time,this paper aims to compare the high school's geography textbook of Taiwan and Mainland China,and selects the physical geography part as the main research content,highlights the basic and important natures of the physical geographical part.This paper starts from the development status quo of geography education of both Taiwan and Mainland China,analyzes the structure and content of the physical geography textbooks of them,as well as analyzes and summarizes the characteristics,advantages and disadvantages of the regional geography part of geography textbooks.It is expected that the reform and development advices about high school physical geography textbook can be promoted for the textbook compilers and revision departments.More importantly,secondary school teachers can learn from Taiwan's textbook and use it for improving classroom teaching efficiency.In this study,the literature analysis,comparative analysis,content analysis,induction and other scientific research methods were used,summed up as the following:From the perspective of the current situation of international and Chinese geography textbooks,the development trend of geography textbook is diversified,the layout form is more flexible,and the degree of emphasis on geography education is gradually strengthened,and the exchange of learning is emphasized.From the form of the textbook,the textbook cover of PEP is designed more fresh and elegant,Sanmin version of the textbook cover has more beautiful and eye-catching color;the title page content of PEP version is relatively simple but yet comprehensive,while that of Sanmin version is detailed,rich,instructive and easy to understand,which helps learners and practitioners to fully understand the textbook;the PEP version textbook adopts type page design,making the textbook layout more standardized and neat,while Sanmin version textbook is designed with no type page,and more flexible and diverse layout;PEP version textbook's auxiliary part is simple and has concise focus,showing a certain humanistic mood,while the Sanmin version textbook's auxiliary part is detailed,and the content attribution is more clear.From the content structure,the two versions of textbook have selected the basic content of the physical geographical part and adopted the theme-based preparation structure.Among which,the PEP textbook is more concerned with the systematic and logical natures of the knowledge,while the Sanmin textbook is more comprehensive and the content is relatively rich,furthermore,Sanmin textbook emphasizes on selecting the technical knowledge and frontier knowledge about geography development.From the surface system of teaching,the PEP textbook has more refined and rigorous text description,while Sanmin version has such text content that is more popular and lively but without losing the professional;from the image,the PEP textbook uses a variety of patterns to help students to sort out the knowledge and read,while the Sanmin version adopts the intuitive and comprehensive form of graph-graph combination with bright colors and unique style;the PEP textbook has a large number of tasks so that amount of knowledge it contains is large,at the same time,the combination between knowledge and textbook as well as students' knowledge and theory application are concerned,while the number of tasks in Sanmin version is relatively small,so that the knowledge carrying capacity is smaller,the content of task is more open,emphasizing on the practical application of knowledge and migration ability of students.Based on the above analysis,the author draws the conclusion and puts forward some suggestions for the follow-up arrangement and the comparative study of the textbook.
Keywords/Search Tags:physical geography, high school geography, Taiwan, Sanmin version xtbook, PEP version textbook
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