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Application Research Of Piano Impromptu Accompaniment In Music Teaching Of Middle School

Posted on:2017-12-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L CaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper mainly uses the literature method,questionnaire survey and classroom observation method to conducts the research.Analyze the practical application of piano impromptu accompaniment in five middle school of Pu Yang.Combined with some literatures about this topic,study situation,some summarization of the related question about this problem.Elaborate the concept of piano impromptu accompaniment and its influence and specific application in different content of music teaching in middle school.Then explore the tactics for improvement of the practical application.This text is divided into five parts.Part 1 is introduction,maily introduces the reason of subject choosing,study situation,summarization of this topic.From part 2 to part five is the four chapters of this dissertation.Chapter 1 is interpret the role of piano impromptu accompaniment in music teaching from the perspective of realization of teaching goal,promotion of classroom atmosphere,reflection of students' dominant position and improvement of teachers' professional accomplishment.Chapter 2 is foundation of this paper about the investigation.This chapter mainly analyze the existing problems in the application of piano impromptu accompaniment.The way to get the practical status quo is questionnaire and classroom observation.The respondents are teachers and students of five middle school in Pu Yang.Combined with the present musical teaching materials used in Pu Yang middle school.Chapter 3is analyze the application of piano impromptu accompaniment in different content of courses like singing,music appreciation,basic knowledge,chorus,etc.Then make some summary.The last chapter is some countermeasures to improve the application effect of piano impromptu accompaniment,elaborate from the following perspective,study of piano impromptu accompaniment in normal university,construction of the hardware facilities,respect degree of school and teachers,teachers' training and promote teachers' professional ability.
Keywords/Search Tags:piano impromptu accompaniment, music education in middle school of Pu Yang, application research
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