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The Research On The Application Status Of Interactive Whiteboard In Primary School

Posted on:2017-07-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y YangFull Text:PDF
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With the continuous development of the information technology and the producing of the new teaching media, it has brought great impact on the classroom. The traditional "blackboard and chalk" mode cannot meet the needs of teachers' teaching and students' learning. As a new type of teaching media, the interactive whiteboard has brought much convenience, it can not only to be used to write anything you want like the traditional blackboard, it can also display all kinds of information on the screen like the multimedia projector and its image is more clear. The school has introduced a large number of interactive electronic whiteboard to the teaching which has changed the traditional teaching methods, it not only arouses the students' interest in learning, and also creates a pleasant learning environment for the teachers and students. Therefore, in such an interactive electronic whiteboard to promote teaching reform, on the application of the interactive electronic whiteboard in the primary school teaching present situation to make a full and accurate investigation, raise ability of primary school teachers use interactive electronic whiteboard is particularly important.First of all, this study analyzes the domestic and foreign about the document of interactive electronic whiteboard, sort out the concept of interactive electronic whiteboard and development. Selected the cities and counties in kaifeng street primary school named "the elementary school, the second normal college affiliated elementary school, the first primary school attached to and developed region of ningbo jiangdong district shuguang primary school as the research object,mainly from the teachers' understanding of the electronic whiteboard, teachers for the usage of electronic whiteboard, teachers' attitude towards electronic whiteboard, teachers training of interactive electronic whiteboard is four aspects to investigate, from the data obtained from the interactive electronic whiteboard in the primary school teaching the present situation of the application, analyze the present situation of the problems, and analyzed the reason to the problem,then put forward the application of interactive electronic whiteboard in the primary school teaching countermeasures and Suggestions. The Suggestions to related education department: electronic whiteboard software update school, strengthen school board repository. Suggestions to school: one is the school leaders should attach great importance to the use of the whiteboard second, the school will give correspondingreward policy, three is the school shall regularly training for teachers and students. Suggestions to the teachers: one is the teacher should change the old ideas, second, teachers should receive systematic training,third, the teacher should pay attention to and students. Advice to students: students to learn the way to change, the student should communicate with teachers more.
Keywords/Search Tags:education information, interactive electronic whiteboard, primary school teaching, application status
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