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The Action Research On Optimizing Chinese Writing Teaching Process In Senior High School

Posted on:2017-09-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WuFull Text:PDF
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Writing teaching is an important part of Chinese teaching, but it also has a lot of problems. Based on the literature research of writing teaching in the recent, analysis of normal writing teaching and experice of writing teaching practice, we consider that “the product-oriented approach to teaching writing” is still the mainstream of Chinese teaching of writing. The teaching mode ignores writing process of students, lake of communication between teacher and students and motivition for writing, finally leads to ineffective writing teaching. Inreponse to the disadvantage of this teaching mode,the western linguists and researchers proposed “the process-oriented approach to teaching writing”,which focused on the writing process. This new methed has been proved effective through theoretical argumentation and teaching practice,and has become the mainstream of western teaching of writing.Today in China, many researchers and excellent teachers have paid attention to writing precess, researched and probed it in the Chinese writing teaching.Some master's thesis of “the process-oriented approach to teaching writing” in the Chinese writing teaching effectiveness has carried on the empirical research. The study will try to writing process theory to the teaching practice,combine my own and excellent teachers' teaching experice, and put forward to operable teaching strategies. The study workto improve aptness of writing process theory of Chinese writing teaching in high school.This research mainly uses documentary method and action research method.Starting from the practical problems existing in the writing teaching, it is to present research status of writing teaching and writing process theory.On this basis,with action research method and imitating standard of writing process theory, I will design a teaching plan for a writing training in senior high school and impement.Through continuous three rounds of teaching practice. Typical assignments of students will be collected for analysis and put forward to specific optimized strategies conbining my own practice experience. Optimizing strategies of the writing teaching are summarized from the three main stages of the writing. In the pre-writingstage,teachers should cultivate students' habits of observation, guide students to establish material library, and develop students' consciousness of readers. Language learning is the most important thing is to accumulate. There's a rich accumulation to write a good article. Firstly, teachers must formulate practical teaching goal.secondly,the writing knowledge and skills into the writing process. In the feedback modification stage, To improve the way of teacher's review make evaluation more precise. Teachers should mobilize students' subjective initiative,and encourage play to the role of the company. We pay attention to the role of modification in writing to improving students' writing ability in the process of recycled writing.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinesewriting teaching in the senior high school, optimizewriting process, action research
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