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Primary School Calligraphy Autonomous Learning Strategy Research

Posted on:2017-01-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L HuFull Text:PDF
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In the development of the society computer printing and mobile terminal to a large extent changed people's writing style. Then, start to forget the word, often write wrong character, writing stroke order mistake, not beautiful font phenomenon common occurance. The elementary student's Chinese character writing ability, in particular, calligraphy learning mode single has become a serious problem. Therefore, in today's advocating personality, promoting quality education, elementary student's learning calligraphy education, and their autonomous learning strategies should be further research and development. Teachers should pay special attention to elementary school students writing attitude seriously and cultivate good writing habits, pay attention to the student to the basic strokes, grasp the basic structure of Chinese characters, attaches great importance to the writing of right, regular, orderly, we should not only focus on primary school students and writing norms.First of all, through the analysis of the basic theory of autonomy learning calligraphy, elementary calligraphy value of autonomous learning strategies are put forward. Cultivate pupils to write the correct posture, hold pen method, good writing habits and habits with the eye and avoid myopia, finish the compulsory education elementary school sixth grade ahead of Chinese writing and calligraphy, to achieve "win-win" effect. Stated the present situation and problems of the pupils learn calligraphy. Erdos dongsheng area of primary school calligraphy course setting is not reasonable, nor agree with children of all ages operability and practicability are strong calligraphy teaching material. Therefore, the teachers only according to the experience of teaching, the teacher teaches and students learn to a certain extent, the lack of systematic and professional.Second, elementary student's learning calligraphy no differences will study calligraphy in writing, have no way of writing mastery of imitating, learning calligraphy lack is an international perspective, no form of autonomous learning ability. Through the school's support and guidance of teachers, parents concerned about students' learning attitude and the influence of calligraphy itself to analyze the causes of pupil calligraphy autonomous learning problems.Finally put forward the elementary students autonomous learning calligraphy promotion strategy. To implement school of calligraphy education's main body responsibility, efforts to promote elementary calligraphy classroom teaching effect. According to the characteristics of children's cognitive update, enrich the teaching method, phased teaching to cultivate students' autonomous learning ability innovation. Change material orientation of the social atmosphere of pragmatism, the pupils learn calligraphy has made to the parents and the social support. Primary school calligraphy autonomous learning strategies can be trained through the original writing, learning calligraphy basic knowledge and basic skills, strengthen the experience of line training, speed training and appreciate training am spatial relations. From the Angle of psychology, inspire students use their calligraphy learning strategies as well. Reasonable arrangement of classroom extracurricular.
Keywords/Search Tags:elementary school students, calligraphy, Autonomous learning strategies
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