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Application Research On Data Mining In The Management Of Secondary Vocational Students

Posted on:2016-07-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B T CaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330473461748Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The research status at home and abroad are introduced firstly, data mining,data warehouse, on-line analytical processing technology, and then the technology of data warehouse, OLAP, data mining technology and its algorithm are simply introduced, on the basis of a detailed study on the application of the technology in data analysis of secondary vocational education on the. This student management system to introduce the advanced theory of decision support system, using the current most popular data warehouse technology, for the model in enterprise operation way, set up a student management decision support system. It besides having the basic functions of the traditional student management system, students can also according to the daily management work of historical data, through a variety of data mining technology, extract implicit in the unknown in advance, and potential, deep, valuable information, and to all levels of management personnel to provide reliable data support for scientific decision, to ensure the decision-making more scientific and accurate.The specific work is as follows:Firstly, the requirement analysis of the decision support system of secondary vocational school students, on the basis of the demand analysis of the system structure design and the module design of system.And then discusses in detail the process of establishing the data warehouse system and multidimensional data set,based on data warehouse and data cube is established on the association rules of factors affecting students' segmentation model, analysis of student achievement,student model Internet association rules analysis model of the three data mining model, and the results were analyzed.Finally, this paper discusses the implementation method to show the secondary vocational school student management system of WEB data and the realization of a simple system.Data mining technology is now widely used in social economy in all walks of life, but the application in secondary occupation education is still relatively small, on the development of occupation education background, this paper studies the application of data mining technology in the secondary occupation education,which help to improve the teaching quality of secondary occupation education.
Keywords/Search Tags:Data Mining, Vocational school, students management, decision support
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