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Research On The Management Of Prison Police Team

Posted on:2018-04-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z J LiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2346330542471642Subject:Public Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The management of prison police team has made remarkable achievements in our country.The majority of police officers have been further enhanced their consciousness and firmness to carry out the scientific outlook on development.The standardization level of law enforcement has improved significantly.The police skills,actual combat ability and professional quality have been significantly improved,the level of security of prison police team significantly improve,the law enforcement consciousness and level of impartial and honest have been continuously improved.Facing the new situation and new requirements,the management are still some inappropriate places:some prison police lack of law enforcement consciousness,political quality and professional dedication is not high;for some local police team,their knowledge and professional level are backward,can not adapt themselves to the construction of the new period;there are few police who honest consciousness is not strong,the boundaries of police custody are unclear in charge of their enforcement.Although this is only an individual phenomenon,but we should check erroneous ideas at the outset and take effective measures to restrainpromptly.The main reasons are as follows:lack of ideological understanding,slow construction of specialization,irrational personnel structure and uneven educational level;lack of long-term training mechanism and irrational knowledge structure.In this paper,Ningde prison police team management as the object of study,based on the humanistic theory and motivation theory research.The prison police team management work should be injected into the"management of people",pay attention to the scientific classification of police team positions,pay attention to the basic interests of the police,the police,concerned about the psychological demands of caring police spiritual and cultural needs,good team management,ensure the stable development of the police team.The use of incentive theory plays an important guiding role in the management of human resources in prison,and the use of incentive theory is helpful to improve the efficiency of prison police management.By means of questionnaire survey,the social support,occupational well-being and career orientation of the prison police professional were investigated.Ningde prison police team from its structure characteristics,is younger,professional qualifications,high level personnel of non localization;from the psychological characteristics of view,results showed that the prison police social support is good,good overall well-being,occupation diversity characteristics.Therefore,in the prison police team management,the organization should pay attention to care,increase social support for the police to help police solve the normal demands;multi level to improve police general well-being,alleviate the pressure of life,according to police work;the occupation tendency test results,a reference of the post adjustment,as far as possible to make thebest.In short,it is necessary to constantly improve the psychological quality of prison police,improve the adaptability of the prison police,andensure the security and stability of the prison.At present,Ningde prison to young police are high level of education,active thinking,energetic,young police into the police time is short,strong sense of responsibility,high work enthusiasm,fully embodies the new generation of prison,full of youthful spirit to play an active and enterprising outlook of the times.In recent years,the number of prison police has been increasing,which has injected new vitality into the development of prison.But in politics and ideology,it also faces the severe challenge of young police's ideological and value orientation.In skills training,adhere to combat,training for the principle of the culture,gradually improve the police occupation quality,law enforcement ability and practical ability of management,actively recommend the excellent police game as the technical backbone to strengthen the technical level of the police team occupation.In the performance management,the prison which consists of a large prison area,in charge of the prison area,departments and their affiliated institutions,conducting hierarchical evaluation on the performance of the task force.Moreover,we will try to improve the sense of access and satisfaction of the prison police by giving preferential treatment to the police.At the same time,the prison police team management also exist in the highlights,construction management planning professional foundation is weak,the performance appraisal system is not perfect,the police rights have not been fully guaranteed.Finally,some suggestions are put forward.
Keywords/Search Tags:PrisonPolice, TeamManagement, Psychological characteristics evaluation, Performance appraisal, Ningde prison
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