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A Study On Cainozoic Migrant Workers Orderly Withdrawal The Rights Of Land

Posted on:2018-11-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2346330536482875Subject:Marxism in China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the city to promote national industrialization,a large number of new generation of migrant workers to the city transfer,the phenomenon of population migration appears derelict caused by rural land,in order to achieve efficient use of land resources,the new generation of migrant workers to the contract and decide on what path to follow?Focusing on the theme of the new generation of migrant workers' land rights,the paper expands the research question chain.Including: the new generation of migrant workers should not quit the contract,can not quit,would like to quit? What factors affect their withdrawal from the contract? What conditions do you need to exit? How to withdraw from the power mechanism,which need to enhance the power? How to establish the exit compensation mechanism? Exit what risks exist,how to prevent? How to establish an effective incentive and restraint mechanism for land contract?Around the problem chain,the paper launches the analysis of the system.These include:First,the feasibility analysis of the new generation of migrant workers' land rights.The study shows that the new generation of migrant workers because of the awareness of the citizens to enhance the ideological concept.The change of the income structure and the way of life and so on converge to the same person in the city,which has created the condition for the realization of the orderly withdrawal of the land right.Secondly,the necessity of the new generation of migrant workers' land rights.In the study,improve the land utilization,land management status quo lack of modernization requirements,the new generation of migrant workers "and the" development and operation of the main body of the village community,it is necessary to implement exit the land rights of the new generation of migrant workers.Third,the difficulty of the new generation of migrant workers' land rights.Research shows that the social security system is not perfect,the lack of incentive mechanism,land exit exit procedures are not standardized,the land price evaluation mechanism is not perfect and so on to a certain extent hindered the new generation of migrant workers land rights exit.Finally,the path analysis of the new generation of migrant workers' land rights.Study shows that,for the new generation of migrant workers rights to land exit should establish and perfect the land withdrawal mechanism,perfect mechanism,to improve the social security system between urban and rural areas,improve the land price evaluationmechanism and other aspects,to promote the new generation of migrant workers from the land right.Analysis of the land rights of the new generation of migrant workers out of the background and significance of research,analyze the description of the status of the state of the country and the new generation of migrant workers of the land;for reasons of migrant workers the right to withdraw from the land through the analysis of the causes of the new generation of migrant workers out of clear land rights,to better promote the transformation the identity of the new generation of migrant workers;analysis of the feasibility of land rights from the analysis of favorable conditions for the new generation of migrant workers to the exit of the existing conditions,to enforce it;for the new generation migrant workers land rights exit difficult to analyze,find out the exit in the land right in the process of difficulties,in order to solve this difficult to achieve land rights exit provides the possibility to study the path;the new generation of migrant workers the right to withdraw from the land,.To find a suitable path for the new generation of migrant workers to withdraw from the land rights,and promote the realization of the land rights to withdraw,improve the utilization of land resources.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cainozoic Migrant Workers, the Tights of Land, Orderly Exit
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