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A Study Of Local Government Supervision In The Rural Environmental Pollution In China

Posted on:2018-03-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S S YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2336330515998171Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Natural environment is the foundation of human society.With the rapid growth of China's economy,material resource is being over-consumed and environmental problems are becoming serious.Rural environment plays an important role of national environment and resources.Under the new situation we need scientific explorition and have standard management.In the 13th Five-Year Plan,our country government clearly put forward to strengthen comprehensive rural environment treatment,innovative the idea and method of environment treatment.Rural environment is the typical public property of our country.The local government is a department that possess the power and provide these public goods.The local government in rural environmental pollution is the most direct regulation of the main body,and it play an important role in protecting property from damage.But in the actual rural environmental pollution,local governments fails to control rural.environmental regulation.Because of the traditional and backward local political achievement,the lack of rural environmental regulation laws and the rural environment pollution regulation made confusion and inefficiency.So local government how to improve its regulatory responsibilities in rural environmental pollution control system is the local government in the government of rural environmental pollution when faced with severe challenges.In this article,through analyzing the present situation of rural environmental pollution and from the local government to perform the actual conditions of the rural environment pollution regulatory responsibilities,to how to better fulfill the rural environment supervision responsibility of local government put forward the countermeasure and suggestion.The article illustrated from six aspected topic background and selected topic significance point theme in this paper.According to consult literature material research status at home and aboard are analyzed,and then put forward the research contents and methods in this paper.The second chapter is reference on the basis of existing research result,define the related concepts of this article is based on simple and related theory,laid a theory basic for subsequent articles writing.The third chapter analyses the current rural local government supervision in our country.The fourth chapter of China's rural environmental pollution in local government supervision the analysis of existing problems and reasons.The fifth chapter in draw lessons from foreign experience in rural environment pollution regulatory responsibilities of local government,based on the combination with the current rural environment in China as well as the basic national conditions,put forward China's local governments perform the regulatory functions of the rural environment pollution treatment can draw lessons from.In chapter 6,on the basis of the first five chapters,the fourth chapter puts forward the problems and reasons,combined with the local government in the rural environment pollution regulation of the actual situation,on how to strengthen the regulatory responsibilities of local government performance of rural environmental pollution governance put forward some countermeasures and suggestions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rural Environmental Pollution, Local Government, Local Government Supervision
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