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Research On The Performance Appraisal Of Junior Civil Servant Based On Porter-Lawler Model

Posted on:2018-02-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y N JiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2336330515995336Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Junior civil servants are the direct performers of our government departments' functions,and their work quality and speed directly affect the overall efficiency of our government.In the context of building the service-oriented government and administrative system reform,it is of great significance to study the performance appraisal system of junior civil servants.Based on the Porter-Lauer comprehensive incentive model,this paper select some case unit to evaluate the performance appraisal of civil servants for finding the problems and analyzing the reasons.Moreover,the optimization scheme is put forward as well as summed up the performance evaluation of junior civil servants of universal improvement proposals.Through the investigation of the current performance appraisal system for the Beijing Police E team,the author find their problems as follows: lacking of the awareness of the work and channel of improving ability;the results of the assessment are unreasonable;junior police officers lack a sense of fairness;lack of awareness of the degree of conversion to effort.These problems are mainly due to the following reasons: managers are lack of a correct understanding of the incentive function,supporting rules and regulations to protect the implementation of incentive system,research on motivational motivations and performance management model.In this paper,the author puts forward the following countermeasures in combination with the Porter-Lawler model: establish a performance planning system to deepen the perception of work;reconstruction of performance appraisal indicators to enhance the perception of fairness;optimize the use of assessment results to strengthen the efforts to convert the reward;establish performance feedback mechanism to form performance management cycle.Furthermore,the author summarizes the suggestions for improving the performance appraisal of junior civil servants,including Innovate the concept of performance appraisal to enhance the importance of performance appraisal,formulate supporting rules and regulations,and ensure the implementation of incentive performance appraisal,implementation of classification performance appraisal,long-term planning,in the public sector to gradually establish a scientific performance management system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Performance appraisal, Junior civil servant, Porter-Lawler model
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