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Public Evaluation And Improvement Countermeasures Of Government Micro-Channel Performance

Posted on:2017-04-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y F ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2336330485950174Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid popularization of the rapid development of network communication technology and mobile Internet,micro-channel to become the new way of e-government Keziliyong.Since the end of 2012,government micro-channel public number from scratch,so far has ballooned to more than 40,000.Government micro-channel has become the government released to the public government information,communication exchanges,for specific business and provide various services of new government platform.Dedicated to the public use of government micro-channel feedback and use of evaluation to investigate how to enhance government micro-letter government functions,improve the effectiveness of government micro-channel service it is necessary.Government micro-channel main function,government affairs,information dissemination,interaction with the public network in politics,rumor alerts,social crisis control and other functions.This study uses social survey methods,verification and random interviews supplemented by case approach,through public use of government micro-channel evaluation and use of statistics to quantify.The survey includes public attention on government micro-channel case,the practicality of the situation and evaluation of public and individual factors,including the impact of gender,age,engaged in the industry,by the level of education on the use of government micro-channel survey conducted.Based on the survey data descriptive statistics and regression analysis,we found that the main crux of the impact of public access to government micro-channel where,then put forward the corresponding countermeasures.First,the party and government leaders at all levels should attach great importance to government micro-channel construction and development,the use of government micro-channel uniquely positioned to take on more functions of government services;Second,the proposed formation of a national research and guidance of government micro-channel development expertise institutions,governments at all levels should establish a specialized agency coordination and guidance of government micro-management of many communications platform,changing disordered and fragmented state government micro-channel development;thirdly,unified and standardized general public at all levels of various types of number of government micro-letter name(plus local name prefix can be),easy to access and search public concerns use;fourth,improve the scientific management of government micro-channel system and regulations,government micro-channel formed a professional team to fulfill the functions of government micro-channel.Fifth,strengthen government micro-letter language of populist and interesting,government and the public to improve communication and interaction skills,timely feedback of information of public concern or raise questions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Government Wechat, functional, Public Evaluation, problem, Countermeasure
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