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Russian Advanced Chinese Language Comprehensive Lesson Teaching Material Research

Posted on:2019-02-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Y C h i n d a s h e v a DaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330569488125Subject:International Education in Chinese
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the development of the state relations between China and Russia,including relationship in culture and economy,there is a general consensus in Russia's cultural and educational circles that Russia needs to train more Chinese talents and experts in Chinese teaching.Chinese teaching material is the main factor that determines the quality of learning Chinese.Therefore,this paper mainly investigates the use of Chinese teaching materials in Russian,and to find out the merit and demerit of the textbooks that can provide the basis for the compilation of appropriate textbooks.After studying some Chinese comprehensive textbooks that now in use in Russian,we can conclude that we need to edit more novel and suitable advanced Chinese teaching materials.The new materials need to be compile critically.And what we should make sure is to take up the essence and discard the dregs.New Russian Chinese language teaching materials necessarily need to include these parts: Texts and dialogues(including professional vocabulary and everyday vocabulary text which should cover all the aspects of China.New words(all the new words should be listed phoneticize with Russian translation,Chinese interpretation and several examples sentences).Notes(common language points can be interpreted and translated in this part).The textbook also needs to include grammar,practice and the introduction of Chinese culture,as very important parts.Grammar must be interpreted in both Russian and Chinese,including all the advanced Chinese grammar,sentence structure and examples in very detail.The exercises in the teaching materials of advanced Chinese comprehensive courses should be multifaceted.These exercises should include all parts of the language learning: consolidating new and old words,developing students' skills of speaking,retelling and reading,so that students can practice listening.What's more,we should make our students aware of the Chinese culture.
Keywords/Search Tags:advanced Chinese, Russia, research
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