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The Secondary Vocational School Students In Dance Learning "Early Work" And "latework"

Posted on:2018-04-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WuFull Text:PDF
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Dance art learning needs a relatively long process,only experienced a hard training and repeated practice,to make their own dance skills to effectively improve and enhance.As the saying goes "a minute on stage,the audience ten years of work",and this is especially true for dance art study,must through the repeated training in daily study,their dance skills to become more skilled and skilled,to make their own dance technique to get a qualitative leap.So dance learning,didn't happen overnight,dance learner to get qualitative leap,must be in the process of learning dance will practice this link priority,especially must pay attention to regular hours every day in a planned way and regular dance practice basic skills,namely must pay attention to "work" training session "late work"."Early work" is the most common form of dance basic exercise,and the dancers attach great importance to "early work" and "late work" as a proportion and key role in dance exercises.For dance school students,"work" "night work" is not only a matter of some teaching effective supplement to class,but also for their dance skills and professional level of rational planning and the daily training,which requires secondary dance students have strong initiative and self-consciousness,and with perseverance can in fixed time every day in a planned way to "work" work "" night training.On the premise of on the basis of the dance training the basic skills,training every day in the best time to "work" training session "work late",will help the secondary vocational students dance dance skills and professional level of ascension,consolidate the dance basic skills proficiency,more conducive to professional development in the future.Therefore,it is of great value and significance to value and strengthen the independent training of "early work" and "late work".
Keywords/Search Tags:secondary vocational students, dance learning, "early work", "late work", Autonomous Training
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