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A Report On The Translation Of The Silk Road In World History(Chapter 6)

Posted on:2019-01-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q LuoFull Text:PDF
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This is a translation project report on The Silk Road in World History by Xinru Liu,of which Chapter 6 The Mongols and the Twilight of the Silk Road is the source text.The book was published by Oxford University Press in 2010.Chapter 6 discusses the rise of the Mongol Empire and the new situation in Eurasian world.The significance of dynamic equivalence in the translation of historical works is discussed with several representative examples based on the translator's own practice.The source text is informative,characterized by plenty of proper nouns and terminologies,abstract words as well as complex sentences.Under the guidance of dynamic equivalence put forward by Eugene Nida,translation techniques such as conversion,inversion and division are employed to resolve the major difficulties in translation practice so as to achieve natural expression in the target language.Dynamic equivalence rather than formal equivalence in translating historical materials is proposed in the project.
Keywords/Search Tags:translation project report, The Silk Road in World History, functional equivalence
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