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A Study Of The Rhetorical Features Of Marine English And The Translation Strategies

Posted on:2018-12-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of shipbuilding,the demand of professional literature of Marine English in China is increasing sharply.Therefore,it is necessary to explore effective translation strategies to guide the translation practices.In this connection,this report concludes the rhetoric methods in two types--active rhetoric techniques and passive rhetoric techniques,and analyses different functions of different rhetoric techniques by illustrating examples in Marine English,selected from the seventh chapter,eighth chapter,and twentieth chapter of US Navy Diving Manual(the Sixth Edition).Finally,according to the translation samples,this report puts the researching emphasis of translation strategies on passive rhetoric techniques which can be found more in this material,and concludes three translation strategies of the rhetoric techniques:addition,omission,and inversion.Besides,in order to help readers know this translating practice in detail and provide other researchers some rewarding reference,this report also describes the whole process of the practice,including the preparation before translating,the process of translating and the affairs after translating.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marine English, US Navy Diving Manual, rhetoric features, translation strategies
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